Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Fuel Types

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Fuel Types

Fuel Types are used by Texada Web to add a service or sales part billing to the Contract when Pickup Tickets or In-Yard Returns are processed in order to charge for any fuel used when the tank reading is captured through the Texada Web app.
 Texada Web can be activated from the Logistics tab.

When a specific fuel type from this table is assigned to a Sales product in the Inventory Re-Order Information window or to Rental equipment in the Inventory Re-Order Information window, the Fuel Type can be used as a filter to select products in the Inventory Search window.
 Some products have dual fuel tanks such as a Scissor Lift that uses gas outside and propane for inside. Each fuel type needs to be assigned to the product in the Product Fuel Types window with the tank capacity so that an Inspection Sheet submitted by Texada Web prompts for fuel levels of each tank.

When a product with a fuel reading is returned in a Texada Web In Yard Return and the reading is captured, the fuel usage is billed by adding the associated product or service to the invoice that results from the Rental Return in SRM.
 The fuel quantity can only be changed on the Rental Return if the operator has role permission to 'Modify In-Yard Fuel Qty In Returns' as controlled in the "Texada Web/Rental Logic" window of the Security Role Permissions.

An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Fuel Types in order to access this table.

The prompts are:


The sequence number is assigned to track the records in this table.


Enter a code of up to 3 alpha/numeric characters to represent this Fuel type.


Enter the description of this fuel.


Only one of Product No or Service can be defined for each Fuel Type.
 Enter the Sales part number to be billed for this fuel type, or select it from the Inventory Search window, or leave this field blank to select a Service instead of a Sales Part.


Only one of Product No or Service can be defined for each Fuel Type.
 Enter the Service to be billed for this fuel type, or select it from the Service Search window.
 Only Services that are type D for Delivery/Pickup or type A for All and that are not flagged to "Bill Each Cycle Billing" can be selected.


The description of either the associated product or service is displayed for reference.


Select one of the two types of fuel measurement methods from the drop-down list:

Select "LEVEL" to show a "fuel slider" on the Mobile device in the Texada Web app to measure the amount of fuel RETURNED with the equipment.
 The slider measures the amount of fuel that is left in the tank when with the equipment is returned or picked up.
 For example if the fuel type description is Diesel, Texada Web prompts for ‘Diesel returned’ on In Yard Returns and optionally from Pickup Tickets if the Division is flagged for Fuel/Meter in Logistics.
 Based on the capacity set for the product the Product Fuel Types and the position of the slider the fuel "not-returned" will be billed at the "Amount" rate set on the associated Service or the price on the associated Sales Product.

Select "USED" to display a numeric field, and to prompt for a numeric value for fuel USED, in Texada Web.
 The value entered as the amount used must be between 0 and the tank capacity set for the product in the Product Fuel Types.
 The units captured as used on In Yard Returns and optionally from Pickup Tickets, will be billed at the "Amount" rate set on the associated Service or the price on the associated Sales Product.


Click ACCEPT to accept the records in the table.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Fuel Types screen include:

Delete a Fuel Type Record:
 Click the DELETE button to generate a window listing Fuel Types that have not been assigned to a Rental or Sales product and are eligible to be deleted from this table.
 Click on the record to be deleted to highlight in focus and click the DELETE button.
 Confirmation is required.

Topic Keyword: PDFT01 (6534)