Off-Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict Found
Counter Menu -> Rental Return -> Off-Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict Found
Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Cycle Billing - Generate Invoices
This Off Rent / Rate Adjustment Date Conflict warning is triggered if the product is on a document that is to be cycle billed on a single contract or returned, to alert the operator that the billing calculations may not be accurate because a product on the contract was off-rent at the time a rate adjustment was implemented.
In order to calculate the correct billing, before the product is returned the off-rental transaction must be closed as of the date and time of the rate change.
The warning screens includes the product sequence number, product number, description, Off-Rent date/time and rate adjustment date/time, for reference.
Refer to Show Rate Adjustment Details on the contract, for details on controlling this rate update process.
Topic Keyword: RSCD04R (6552)