Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

In-Yard Return Search

Counter Menu -> Rental Return -> IN-YARD RETURN button -> In-Yard Return Search

This search window can be used to select a Contract for the Rental Return that has been checked in through the Texada Web - In Yard Return to create a Rental Return Worksheet of the products returned.
 IYR transactions can be viewed for all locations or only for the operator's current location.

Note: Any Contract details or services cannot be changed or deleted in SRM or from an API, once the Contract is flagged as a Texada Mobile 'In-Yard-Return'.
 Products that have be flagged in Texada Web as In-Yard Returned are assigned an F Off-Rent Status,

When Operators by Division is activated, the option is provided to select from all Divisions or just from the current sign in Division.

Search Results:
 The resulting list includes a record for each product on each contract processed on an outstanding In-Yard return.
 The record list includes the customer name, contract number, date, time, quantity returned, product description, quantity to be billed, product number and the division of the In-Yard return mobile device.
 In-Yard return records that are displayed are limited to the Divisional Restricted Views assigned to the operator.

The record list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
 To select a record from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the In-Yard Return Search screen include:

Correct Return Location on IYR:
 Click the EDIT LOC button at the bottom right of the screen to view all outstanding In-Yard Return Worksheets and to update return locations when required as outlined in Change Location of In-Yard Return.

Delete a Worksheet:
 Click the DELETE button to identify and remove an In-Yard Return worksheet record in the Delete In-Yard Return Worksheet utility.
 The items can then be return by Contract on a standard Rental Return.

An audit record is written to the Delete Log for Function RSSW04 for the deleted worksheet to track the division/date/time/operator and Contract# of the deleted record.

IYR Housekeeping:
 Click the PURGE button at the bottom right of the screen to delete all outstanding In-Yard Return records IF they are no longer required.
 Confirmation is required.

An audit record is written to the Delete Log for Function RSSW03 for each worksheet/product record that is deleted in the purge to track the date/time/operator of the deletion with the Document#, Customer# and Product#.

Note: This action cannot be reversed.
 This action is not selective and all records are deleted from this table (RSSW).

Topic Keyword: RSSWSEL (6554)