Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select a Work Order Part

Purchase Order Menu -> Purchase Orders -> Select a Work Order Part

When the Add Parts to Work Order in Warehouse feature is activated in the Company Inventory Parameters, Sales parts on a Purchase Order detail that have been assigned a Type W and a W.O.# in the expanded P.O. detail line, are added directly to that Work Order as "issued" when the part is received in Warehouse Receiving.

If the Part already exists on the Work Order with a Back Ordered quantity and no quantity has been issued, this window is triggered when the P.O.parts detail is completed, to select the W.O. detail line to be filled.

Search Results:

All sales part details on the linked Work Order that match the product number on this Purchase Order detail are listed with the Seq# on the W.O., the product number, product description, currently issued quantity, and the back ordered quantity.

The product list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to temporarily reposition them as required.

To select a product detail from the list, double-click on the appropriate record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.

When the received quantity on the P.O. detail differs from the Back Ordered quantity on the associated W.O. Parts detail, the ordered and issued quantity on the W.O. Parts detail will be updated to match the quantity received in the Warehouse Receiving.

The "linked P.O. to W.O." product information is displayed in Warehouse Receiving prior to accepting the quantities being received.

Refer to Company Inventory Parameters for complete details on this feature.

Topic Keyword: WOWPSEL (6558)