Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

TW - Work Orders Details

Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> TW - Work Orders -> TW - Work Order Details

After the Work Order header information is completed the Labor, Parts, and Service details of a Texada Web Work Order can be maintained as follows and the W.O. can be printed, or closed and converted to an Invoice.


Window to enter and update Labor details on this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Labor.


Window to enter and update Parts used on this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Parts.


Window to enter and update any Service charges for this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Services.


The Tax window displays the distribution of the taxes. This is information only.
 If these taxes are not correct change the tax status on each labor/parts/services detail on the Work Order.


The Work Order totals for each of the labor, parts, services, and taxes windows, display with the current Work Order Total.


Notes related to this Work Order can be entered to describe the job completed in addition to the Labor description or standard comments as setup in Marketing Codes can be selected, as outlined Document Comments.

Comments associated with the Site Information can be included on the Work Order and resulting W.O. Invoice, if the Add Site Comments To Work Orders flag is set for the document division in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.
 The comments will be given a blank Maintenance Code.

Note: Site Comments will need to be removed manually if the site on the W.O. is changed. W.O. Comment lines can also be added and modified from the external Texada Web app.

Additional Actions include:

Email Work Order:
 This button is only enabled when the Use Contact Document Emailing feature is activated in the Company Email Configuration.
 Click the EMAIL button to email the W.O. to the appropriate contacts as flagged in the Contact Information for this customer/site, using the Compose Email tool.

Print Work Order or Parts Requisition:
 Click the PRINT button to print out a copy of the Work Order or of the Parts Requisition, as outlined in W.O. Print Confirmation.

Close Work Order:
 Click the INVOICE W.O. button to close the Work Order and to create the invoice for the service and parts used.
 The prompts include:


Accept today's date for the invoice or type in the desired invoice date.
This date is checked to confirm that it is within the set Date Range Limits for invoices. This is set in Date Range Control with Module Code RSIH - INVOICES.


A warning is triggered if the option to Prevent Invoicing of W.O. with Parts on Back Order is activated in Company Estimate and W.O. Parameters, and if any parts on the Work Order are not issued and are flagged as Back Ordered, or if any parts are waiting to be received on a P.O. that references this W.O.
 If the parts are Back Ordered, the W.O. cannot be closed and billed until the parts are issued.

If the parts are on a P.O., the Outstanding Purchase Orders window is triggered displaying the P.O. information, and the W.O. cannot be closed and billed until the parts are received or the reference to the W.O. is removed from the P.O.



If the product has been assigned a Reserved status, then this warning is triggered displaying the Product# and the Status.
 e.g. On Contract, On Delivery


This prompt applies to non-bulk rental equipment only and is controlled by a flag in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.

The current status code for this product displays.
 Type in the new code for this product now that service is completed, or select from the valid codes in the Product Status Code Search.
 Only status codes having the same "Allow Depreciation" flag can be re-assigned.

Any change to the Product Status Code is tracked in Status Code Change History for WOWH01B.

Once a Work Order has been closed and invoiced, the FL- Work Order Invoice TotalsSummary screen is generated for payment.
 The details on this resulting W.O. invoice cannot be changed.

Save Open Work Order:
 Click OK to accept the Work Order without closing it and to exit the screen.

Topic Keyword: FWOWH01B (6632)