TW - Assets
Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> Assets
Create New Asset:
To enter new Asset items click the ADD button and proceed as outlined in Add Assets.
Asset records can also be accessed from Rental Inventory.
Add New Rental Products or Edit Rental Products in FL Dispatch:
If the operator has been assigned a Security Role with menu permission to access either this 'FL - Assets' option or Rental Inventory, or has permission to Add Rental Inventory as defined in the "Miscellaneous" window of the Security Role, then the operator can also add or edit existing Rental Products in Texada Web Dispatch.
Modify an Existing Asset Record:
View and update existing product records as follows:
Enter the existing product number, or barcode, or search for the product in the Inventory Search window.
Detailed Product Inquiry
Once the product number as been selected click the INQUIRY button at the bottom of the screen to view the product history as outlined in Inventory Inquiry.
This is the primary description of the item as it appears on reports, and also on documents for standard language customers.
Note: The product description can always be over-typed on the document.
Additional Descriptions
Additional product descriptions for product search and for printing purposes can be set up in the window as follows:
This field can be used to set the alternate language description for this product.
Note: The inventory search does not use the alternate language description. This is just a printing feature for the customer documents such as reservations, contracts and invoices.
This window can be used to manually setup multiple alternate descriptions to be used in the product search utilities, as outlined in Alternate Descriptions.
This window can be used to view the optional descriptions that the system has generated. These are only used in the product search utilities, as outlined in System Generated Descriptions.
The Rental Product Class code and description displays.
This was defined when the product was added in Add Assets and is information only.
To change the class or group contact Texada Support to use the utility Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product or in Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag, and the change is tracked in the Audit Log.
The Group and group description assigned to this product displays.
This was defined when the product was added in Add Assets and is information only.
To change the class or group contact Texada Support to use the utility Update Class/Group/Vendor on Product or in Restructure Class/Group/Rates/Tag, and the change is tracked in the Audit Log.
Tracking meter units used or blade usage is only applicable to NON-BULK assets.
For a non-bulk item, one of the following options is checked:
•Metered Item is checked if this product tracks meter units used such as hours or km, through work orders, contracts, maintenance, product exchanges, and rental returns.
For information on tracking Meter rollover or replacement on equipment refer to Update Meter Prompt/Hours.
The Meter fields include:
This is the current meter reading.
This will be updated as the equipment is rented, exchanged, put off or on rent, and returned, when the new meter reading is recorded.
Window to view the meter information as outlined in Product Meter Information.
This field tracks the total units used in the lifetime of the equipment.
Window to view Meter History.
•Bladed Item indicates that this product tracks blade usage such as diamond blades where the units decrease with use.
This is the current blade reading.
This will be updated when the equipment is rented, exchanged, put off or on rent, or returned, and a new blade reading is reported.
Window to access the Product Blade Information as follows:
Enter the current blade reading.
This will be updated when the equipment is rented, exchanged, put off or on rent, or returned, and a new blade reading is reported.
This is the date of the latest recorded blade reading.
This is the original blade reading of the equipment.
This is the date of the original blade reading.
Click OK to accept the blade readings for the new equipment.
This field does not apply to blade items.
•Not Metered is checked if there is no meter tracking for this product.
The Meter Reading and the LTD Meter Reading fields are blank and are disabled.
Check this box if the item is part of the rental fleet.
Uncheck this box if the item is not part of inventory (re-rental items or other generic items).
The item will still be included in Inventory Search but, will not be included as part of the total value when the Inventory Value Report is printed.
Enter the selling list price for the asset.
Any changes made to the list price are tracked.
A window on the List field is provided to view Price Change History, as outlined in List Price Changes.
Enter any instructions, comments or notes about this item.
This notes do not print out any where, but they do show at the bottom of the document entry screens.
Enter the cost each to replace this item if purchased new.
The average cost per unit is calculated using the average quantity cost from the Fixed Asset Tags.
This is a display only field.
The Landed Purchase Order Cost = Last P.O. Cost * Landed Cost Factor.
Specific products can be identified as NOT eligible for rental, for transfer, and/or for depreciation, causing an warning message to be displayed when an operator attempts to rent, transfer, or depreciate them.
Enter the appropriate code for this product, or select one from the Product Status Codes Search window.
This box is checked if the quantity for this product will be greater than 1.
This box is unchecked if the quantity for this product will be 1. This is appropriate for serialized equipment.
This field is display only and cannot be accessed. If a change is required, contact Texada Support to use Change Bulk Status to make the correction.
If Bulk Item is not checked there is only 1 Fixed Asset Tag allowed for a non-bulk product, and this prompt does not apply.
If Bulk Item is checked and multiple Fixed Asset Tags are required this box is checked.
Multiple fixed asset tags enables the date acquired, amount and quantity to be stored separately for each purchase. This makes it simple to track the additions to the rental fleet, and depreciate each purchase separately.
This box cannot be unchecked if multiple tags exist for the product.
If Bulk Item is checked, and multiple Fixed Asset Tags are not required this box is unchecked.
This is useful for smaller bulk items such as air hoses, when all quantities are then included on one Fixed Asset tag.
Maintain the Fixed Asset Tag information as follows:
The selected Tag number displays.
If the item is bulk, all the tags for this product are listed and one can be selected from Asset Tag Search.
Status reflects the current situation of an item. When setting up equipment, the status should be set to A for Active. Valid status codes as listed in the drop-down list include:
A - Active (Ready to rent, or On Rent)
D - Disposed (sold)
M - Missing (stolen, borrowed)
R - Repair Shop (in Repair Shop for the long term)
S - Scrapped (this item has been scrapped)
This division is the owning division on the Tag and is used for depreciation and inventory value reporting.
Enter the serial number for this rental item. Use up to 20 characters.
This is only relevant to non-bulk equipment or when the Tag is for a single unit.
Enter the date when the items for this Fixed Asset Tag were purchased.
This expiration date uses the Date Acquired and defaults according to the "Number of Days of Warranty" for this product's group, as established in Equipment Groups. It can be over-typed as required.
The warranty expiry date is displayed when a non-bulk rental asset is put on a Work Order.
Enter the warranty depot name. This is an information field only and defaults from the product group when a new product is added.
Accumulated Additions can include any freight, brokerage, duty, exchange or other items which add to the original purchase cost of the items.
This field will be updated when entering invoices for inventory purchases in Accounts Payable.
A window is provided to view the Accumulated Additions details.
Multiple external documents or images can be associated with this product when setup in the File Attachments window.
This field is disabled if there is no attachment directory defined in Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
This window can be used to access additional product details including a conversion factor, rental rates, and security deposit, as outlined in Rental Information.
Skip this window if your firm does not use barcodes on this product, or use this window to setup barcodes for the product as outlined in Barcodes.
The the re-order information can be maintained in the Make Model Information window.
Click ACCEPT to continue.
Additional actions provided by buttons on the Assets screen include:
•Delete a Sales Part:
The DELETE button is only active when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete sales products.
The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.
To delete an existing sales part, click the DELETE button before selecting the item, as outlined in Delete a Product.
If a product is deleted, an audit record is generating tracking the Operator and the Date when the product was deleted. This can be viewed in Delete Log for function RSPF95.
•Inventory Inquiry:
After selecting an Asset, click the INQUIRY button to view the information on this product as outlined in Inventory Inquiry, according to the Inventory Inquiry Categories security assign to the operator.
Topic Keyword: FRSPF02 (6644)