Rental Information
Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> TW- Assets -> Rental Information
The additional rental product information includes the following:
An external resource URL that points to a publicly available source can be defined to provide more information about the non-bulk rental product for use when printing 'Texada Web' In-Yard Return tags.
This feature utilizes a QR (Quick Response) image to supply the resource reference URL.
The URL path needs to be valid and work in a browser, where Linux web servers are case sensitive and Windows web servers are not.
Once 'Resource URL' is setup, click the Link icon to test the URL link.
This 'Resource URL' field is displayed in the Detailed Inventory Inquiry and Inventory Inquiry.
This field is view only for operators that do not have permission to access the Resource URL field as controlled by the operator Security Role Permissions to Assign/Remove External Resource URL in the "Miscellaneous" controls window, and this field is always disabled for bulk rental products.
The Resource URL can also be setup in the Maintain External Resource URL utility.
Click OK when the Rental Information is complete.
Topic Keyword: FRSPFRAT (6645)