Regional Reservation Group Max - Export/Import
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System -> Company & Divisions -> Division Parameters -> Inventory Parameters -> Region Reservation Processing -> Group Max Quantities window -> Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities ->EXPORT/IMPORT button -> Regional Reservation Group Max - Export/Import
This utility can be used to update the maximum number of over-bookings allowed per line detail on a Reservation by Group, based on the Region Reservation Fulfillment Processing, by exporting the existing Group maximum values by Division and re-importing the modified values.
Select one of the following actions:
•Create Worksheet:
Click Export option in the radio group to generate a spreadsheet with the existing Max values for the Groups by Division.
In the resulting spreadsheet, the Group 'Description' cannot be changed, but the other values in the columns can be updated for import, including Division, Group, and Max Quantity.
Additional records can be added for other Groups and other Divisions.
If the Group Maximum record should be removed from the Division, a Y can be entered in the 'DELETE (ON IMPORT)' column.
When the spreadsheet information is complete, save the data to a tab-delimited text file.
•Move the Saved Text File to the Server:
Click Upload File to copy the tab-delimited text file created from the exported spreadsheet from your client machine, to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "group_max.txt" before completing the upload.
File upload success or failure is displayed.
•Update the Groups with the new Max Values:
Click Import to update the data in the Regional Reservation Group Max Quantities table of the Region Reservation Processing with the new Max values.
Group Max records that are not included in the spreadsheet will not be updated or deleted.
The number of records successfully updated is reported and an error spreadsheet is generated with all errors and unsuccessful entries.
•Exit 'Regional Reservation Group Max - Export/Import' sub-menu:
Click Cancel when no further action from this sub-menu is required.
Click OK to initiate the action selected in the radio group.
Topic Keyword: INDG02 (6667)