Product Status Code Export
Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Export/Import Product Status Codes -> Product Status Code Export
This filter selection screen can be used to select which Rental Products are exported to the spreadsheet with the current Product Status Codes.
Select from the following:
Product Selection: Only one of the following three filters can be used to select the products for the worksheet export.
•Type ALL to include all rental products.
•Enter a specific product number to export only that product, or select one from the Inventory Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of products to include as outlined in Select Products window.
•Type ALL to include products from all Product Classes.
•Enter a specific Class to export only products from a single Product Class, or select a Class from the Product Class Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Product Classes to include as outlined in Select Class List window.
•Type ALL to include products from all Groups.
•Enter a specific Group to export only products from a single Product Group, or select a Group from the Product Group Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Product Groups to include as outlined in Select Group List window.
•Type ALL to include all rental products in the 'Product Selection' regardless of the current Status Code.
•Enter a specific Status Code to export only products with that code or select the Status Code from the Status Code Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Status Codes to include as outlined in Selected Status Codes window.
Click ACCEPT to generate the spreadsheet or CANCEL to abort.
Resulting Spreadsheet:
•The resulting spreadsheet lists the Product number, description and current Status Code for reference though these fields are not update by this process.
•A new Status Code, Note and Override Reason Code can be entered before saving the completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file in preparation for importing through Export/Import Product Status Codes.
The data cannot be imported if the following errors are found:
Invalid Product #
Invalid Status Code
Invalid Override Reason Code
Insufficient permission
Topic Keyword: RSAR15 (6674)