Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Detailed Open Contract Report

Counter Menu -> Reports -> Contract Reports -> Detailed Open Contract Report

Reports Menu -> Automatic Reporting -> Function RSCH50 -> runs Detailed Open Contract Report

This report option can be used to generate a Jasper format report to PDF or to email the open contract report to the customers' Contacts that are flagged to receive it in Contact Information, with the purpose of notifying customers when they still have equipment out on rent and reminding them to call in an Off-Rent if required.

The "Detailed Open Contract Report" can also be scheduled to email the Customer Contacts automatically when RSCH50 is setup with the relevant filters in the Automatic Reporting.
 Email addresses in Automatic Reporting are not relevant as it uses the addresses in the Contact Information.

This report uses a Jasper form to print by customer, listing the sales and rental products currently on open contracts.
 The report can be filtered by date, customer, site, division and Class/Group/product, to include the products still Out, Off-Rented (including off-rent due to Delivery/Pickup), Returned but on an open contract and/or Sold but on an open contract.
 For each product it prints: product #, description, date out, date due, contract number, P.O. and the Ship To or Site address.

The prompts include:


Accept the default starting date for the report range based on the Contract header Date Out, or over-type this with a preferred start date.


Accept today's date for the ending date for the Contract report range, or over-type this with a preferred end date.


Leave this field blank to include all customers, or enter a starting customer number, or select it from the Customer Search window.


Leave this field blank to include all customers, or enter an ending customer number, or select it from the window.


Leave this field blank to include all sites for the customer selection, or enter a starting site number, or select it from the Customer Site Search window.


Leave this field blank to include all sites for the customer selection, or enter an ending site, or select it from the window.


Type ALL to include all divisions in the report.

To print the report for a single division, leave this field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific division code, or select an accounting division from the drop-down list.

Type SEL to select several specific divisions or divisions by accounting region to include in the report, as outlined in Division Select By Region.


To use the Product Class selection filter choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all classes as setup in Rental Product Classes and Sales Product Classes.

Enter a single specific Product Class code for the report, or select one from the Product Class Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of classes to include in the report, as outlined in Select Product Classes.


To use the Group selection filter choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Groups in the report.

Enter a single specific Group for the report, or select it from the Group Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of Groups to include in the report, as outlined in Select Groups.


To use the Product selection filter choose one of the following:

Type ALL to include all Sales and Rental products in the report.

Enter a single specific product for the report, or select it from the Inventory Search window.

Type SEL to make a selection of products to include in the report, as outlined in Select Products.


The following filters apply to the individual Sales and Rental product detail lines on open contract in the selection range.
 Check the status codes to be included in the output.

Check 'Out' to include the products with status O.

Check 'Off Rent' to include the products with status F which includes products off-rented on delivery an pickup tickets.

Check 'Returned' to include the products with status R.

Check 'Sold' to include the products with status S.


Uncheck this box to generate the entire Jasper report to PDF.
 Check this box to email each specific customer report to the email addresses in the associated Contact Information that are flagged to receive the "Open Contract Report" and are linked to corresponding Sites in the Contact Associated Sites window.


Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing/emailing the Jasper report, or CANCEL to abort.

Open Contract Report Log

When the reports are emailed to the customer Contacts, a log is generated listing the customer number, name and email action.

Topic Keyword: RSCH50 (7039)