Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Sync QuickBook/Xero/MYOB Chart Of Accounts

Back Office Menu -> Daily Close Menu -> Sync QuickBooks/Xero/MYOB Chart Of Accounts

When integration with a third-party accounting package such as QuickBooks, Xero or MYOB is configured in Integrated Accounting, the G/L accounts in SRM must be matched up to accounts in the accounting package.

The third-party accounting packages account match requirement includes:

 For QuickBooks the SRM account Descriptions by account type defined in Chart of Accounts must be setup to match the QB account Descriptions in order to link the G/L Accounts in the two applications.
 The QuickBook Account# Selection search utility can be used to access the QuickBook Account# list and to select the relevant account to change the description to match.

Xero & MYOB - Essentials:
 Using this utility all the G/L Accounts in Chart of Accounts for SRM are passed to Xero or to MYOB - Essentials.
 This ensures that there is a always a match in the third-party G/L Chart of Accounts.

MYOB - AccountRight:
 When G/L accounts are setup in SRM to match MYOB-AccountRight the format of the corresponding accounts in SRM's Chart of Accounts needs to be a single number followed by a dash and then any value.
 i.e. 3-100VA is accepted but 200-BA will fail.

One-Time Start-Up Sync Preparation Note:
 The Initialize Integrated Accounting utility can be used to set a 'Cut-Off Date' for firms newly activating one of the third-party accounting packages to integrate it with SRM.
 By setting this date, all posted G/L transactions prior to this date will be flagged so that they are NOT exported from SRM to the accounting package the next time the Sync QuickBook/Xero/MYOB Chart Of Account is executed.
 This is a one-time task.

Regular Sync Accounts:
 All accounts in the SRM Chart of Accounts must also exist in the third-party Chart of Accounts for the account integration to function correctly.
 This Sync QuickBook/Xero/MYOB Chart Of Account tool can be used to ensure that the accounts in the Chart of Accounts in SRM are matched to accounts in third-party accounting Chart of Accounts.


Check this box if it is possible that additional G/L Accounts have been added in the Chart of Accounts in SRM.
 This will cause any new accounts to also be setup in the third-party application Accounts using the SRM chart of accounts as the master list.

Running this utility opens a QuickBooks/Xero/MYOB login window to select the correct company if more than one exists.
 It also establishes the OAUTH token to allow the utility to run.

Chart of Accounts Export:
 A spreadsheet is generated of any new accounts that are exported, listing the SRM Account number, Description, Account Type and error.
 Correct the errors in Chart of Accounts and re-sync the accounts as required.

Topic Keyword: 7046 (GLCA02)