Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Print Inspection Forms

Work Order Menu -> Document Reprints -> Print Inspection Forms

The Texada Web Inspection Forms can be printed manually in Jasper format.

The Inspection Forms prints the product Make/Model (product number for fleet equipment), description and any meter information, with the W.O. number and date of the Repair or W.O.
 The Inspection Forms associated with the W.O. or Repair are listed.

The prompts to print an Inspection Form are:


Select one of the following options from the radio group:

Select 'Work Order' to generate the Inspection Form for a specific W.O. as follows:


Enter the W.O. number or select it from the Estimate/Work Order Search window.

Select 'Product' to generate a list of all Work Orders and Repair transactions for this product that have an Inspection Form assigned to the document, as follows:


Enter the product number or select it from the Inventory Search window.
 Then in the resulting Inspection Form Search window, accept the date range or enter a preferred date range to list Work Orders and Repairs for this product that have Inspection Forms.

Select the record to print as outlined in the Inspection Form Search window.

oIf a Work Order is selected, the W.O. number and DATE are populated in the Print Inspection Form utility.

oIf a Repair is selected , the DATE and associated SEQ# on that date are populated.


A printer can be confirmed or re-selected from the Printer option located on the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Click the ACCEPT button to generate the Jasper form, or CANCELto abort.

Request for Signed Document
 The Request for Signed Document window is triggered to provide signed ticket selection options.

Note: When the PDF that is created includes a URL or picture URL, it can only be viewed if Adobe Reader is installed.
 Any browser can open the PDF document, clicking on the URL links within the browser window requires the Adobe Reader plug-in.

Topic Keyword: WOWI10 (7049)