Texada Pay Credit Card Information
Counter Menu -> Counter Customer Payments / Contract Summary & Totals -> CAPTURE CARD -> Capture Card/Check on File -> Select Card Type -> CREDIT CARD -> Texada Pay Credit Card Information
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Payments -> CAPTURE CARD -> Capture Card/Check on File -> Select Card Type -> CREDIT CARD -> Texada Pay Credit Card Information
Customer Payment/Deposit -> Select Card Type -> CREDIT CARD -> Texada Pay Credit Card Information
This capture Texada Pay Credit Card information window applies if the capture Card/Check processing has been activated from the Texada Pay.
This banking information window is used for the following purposes:
1.Capture Credit Card on File:
- only applies when this 'Texada Pay Banking Information' screen is generated from the Capture Card/Check on File utility.
- triggered by a Method Of Payment Code assigned Type 'M' for Manual.
- allows the user to manually enter a new Credit Card.
- saves the new card information in the Customer Credit Card table to apply as future payments.
2.One-Time Credit Card payment with Texada Pay:
- triggered by a Method Of Payment Code assigned Type 'M' (Manual) in any payment screen.
- also triggered by the MANUAL option selected from the Select TP Method of Payment
- either then triggers the window to Select Card Type with the options to enter and pay with a Credit Card or with an Electronic Cheque.
- click the CREDIT CARD button to enter the Credit Card information for this one time payment as outlined below.
- payment should not be processed through the Bank Deposit as it is already processed by Texada Pay.
The prompts to enter a Credit Card to save on file or for a one-time Card payment through Texada Pay, include the following.
If the Card is being saved on file for future payment, this data will be saved in Customer Credit Card.
Enter the Credit Card number with no spaces.
A scanner cannot be used.
This is not required for Australian or New Zealand cards.
Enter the name of the Card holder.
Enter the 2 digit month that the card expires as noted on the Credit Card.
Enter the 2 digit year that the card expires as noted on the Credit Card.
Check this box if this Credit Card should be applied by the auto-pay processing such as Cycle Billing.
Uncheck this box if this Credit Card should not be used as an auto-pay payment but should only be used for payment when selected.
This checkbox choice can always be changed later in Customer Credit Card.
Texada Pay Address Verification values:
When Texada Pay is active and the 'Address Verification' feature is enabled, customers can save on processing fees if the 'Address Line 1' and 'Postal/Zip' information fields are provided to the card issuers when completing a Credit Card transaction manually or on-file.
It is important that these are accurate as when a payment is submitted to the clearing house these two values are validated against the values that the card issuer has on their file.
The Postal/Zip code defaults from the value in the Customer Information and can be over-typed for this card trx or capture, but there is no format validation at that time.
If the card is saved on-file the Postal/Zip can be modified later in the Customer Credit Card table but must now match the Postal/Zip format defined in Currency Code for the customer currency when the customer uses the company currency.
The 'Address Line 1' defaults from the value in the Customer Information and can be over-typed for this card trx or card capture as required.
If the card is saved on-file the 'Address Line 1' can always be modified in the Customer Credit Card table.
Click OK Accept.
If a Credit Card was accepted to be saved as a card on file, a "Pay ID" is automatically assigned to the record when it is saved in the Customer Credit Card table.
Topic Keyword: OEGBL01B (7067)