Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Close Duplicate Internal Work Orders

Utilities Menu -> Work Order Utilities -> Close Duplicate Internal Work Orders

This utility can be used to delete open Internal Work Orders for bulk, non-bulk or sales products prior to invoicing if they are for the same product and have no details associated with them yet.

This utility can only be accessed by when the role assigned to the operator in Operators has permission to delete Work Orders.
 The role permission is setup in Security Roles on the Security tab of Configure System Settings.

Eligible Work Orders for the Asset or Sales Product being serviced must:

have no parts, labour, services associated

have no Inspection form results associated

have no linked Purchase Orders

be an Internal W.O. or have no Posting Type assigned yet

The first W.O. is not automatically checked to be deleted as it is expected that this is the valid W.O.
 Check the boxes in the Delete column for the Work Orders to be deleted.
 A View window is provided.
 Confirmation is required to proceed with the delete action.
 A Delete Log is displayed on the screen that can be printed or exported as required using the Information Log.

When each Work Order is deleted a deletion record for Function WOWH19A is generated to Delete Log to track the deleted Work Order, with the W.O.#, date and operator code.

Topic Keyword: WOWH91 (7069)