Customer Revenue Report - Express
Reports Menu -> Revenue -> Customer Revenue Report -> 'Express' option from radio group -> Customer Revenue Report - Express
The Express revenue Summary report shows customer sub-totals for rentals, sales, services, waiver, the total and the currency.
The Detailed report lists all invoices for customers with the products rented or sold, quantity, costs, revenue and margin.
The spreadsheet detailed output also includes a column to indicate if the invoice was generated from Cycle Billing by Batch or as a Single billing, or neither such as Miscellaneous Invoice or Rental Return, and whether this is the first invoice billed on the contract or not the first.
A cut-off dollar amount or a cut-off number of customers can be entered, and then all customers either above or below this cut-off mark can be selected.
Currency Exchange Impact On Revenue In Sales History:
If the exchange posting processing has been activated in Support Application Parameters, the Revenue values on the report have been converted to your currency by the currency exchange percent in Currency Codes.
The prompts are:
Select one of the following versions of the Revenue Report:
•Click 'Standard' to use all the selection filters displayed on the Customer Revenue Report screen. This report could take longer to generate because of the number of tables that are included in the read and select process.
•Accept 'Express' to generate the output considerably faster by using less filters provided in the following selection screen.
Express Customer Revenue Report:
Accept the default year-ago-today date or type in a preferred beginning date for the report.
Note that requesting too large a date range could cause the system to slow down depending on the volume of data.
Accept today's date, or type in an ending date.
This option can be useful to Customers that have not generated any revenue according to the selection filters can be excluded from the report. Select one of the following report cut-off options:
•Select Top Number to print the top revenue generating customers in the selection range as defined by the Cut-Off# Of Customers field.
•Select Top Dollar to set the top customer cut-off point by Cut-Off Dollar Amount instead of a predetermined number of customers.
•Select Bottom Number to report on the customers generating the least revenue given the selection range, according to the Cut-Off# Of Customers defined.
•Select Bottom Dollar to print the report for customer generating revenue below the Cut-Off Dollar Amount defined.
•Select No Cut-Off to include revenue from all customers in the selection range.
The two Cut-Off fields do not apply and the report prints in customer # order.
This field is only enabled if the Customer Cut-Off point is set by the Top Number or Bottom Number of customers.
Leave this field blank to include all customers in the output, or enter the maxim number of customers to include according to the Top or Bottom cut-off type selected.
The customers will be listed in order of the most or least revenue, also according to the Top or Bottom cut-off type selected.
This field is only enabled if the Customer Cut-Off point is set by the Top Dollar or Bottom Dollar revenue generated by customers.
Leave this field blank to list all customers in order of the highest or least revenue according to the Top or Bottom cut-off type selected, or enter a dollar amount to be used as a cut-off point for the output for the Top or Bottom list.
Select one of the following output options:
•Select Summary to print only the totals for each customer, by Rentals, Sales, Services, Damage Waiver with grand totals, currency, and customer type.
The spreadsheet format also includes the Salesman code and name.
•Select Detail to print the invoices with details for each customer.
The Include Services and the Sort by Product# options only apply to the detailed output.
Only the detailed spreadsheet also includes the product description, product class, class description, Bill To and Ship To Cities, Customer Salesman and Invoice Salesman Names.
This filter only applies to the Detailed output option.
Uncheck this box to list only the products and to exclude services in the detailed report.
Check this box to list the services and include the service revenue in the totals.
This filter only applies to the Detailed output option.
Uncheck this box to print report in Invoice Date order for each customer.
Check this box to sort the report by Product Number for each customer.
This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
Click the ACCEPT button to begin printing the report, or CANCEL to abort.
Topic Keyword: RSSH19 (7086)