Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Cycle Billing Day Code Discrepancy Report

Back Office Menu -> Cycle Billing -> Cycle Billing Day Code Discrepancy Report

This report lists all open contracts where the Cycle Billing Day code does not match the Contract Date Out.
 This discrepancy occurs when the Date Out on the contract gets manually changed but the associated Billing Day Code does not causing the contract to be billed at the wrong time.

The report lists the Contract Number, Customer Number and Name, the Contract Date Out, the current Cycle Billing Day Code on the Contract, the correct Cycle Billing Day Code that matches the Contract header Date Out, the open/closed Status and an asterisk (*) to indicate off-rental conditions as explained below.

If the 'Reset Cycle Billing Day Code When Closing Delivery' is activated in the Company Billing Parameters and the there is a Delivery Ticket that is closed as of a date other than the product date out an asterisk (*) is printed in the Off Rental column to indicate there could be off rentals.
 ie: With this parameter if a Delivery Ticket is closed two days later the Date Out, the Cycle Billing Day Code is changed to ignore the two days of Off Rental and the Billing Period would start as of the Date/Time of the close of the Delivery Ticket.

The prompts are:


Accept the default beginning date to catch the earliest discrepancy dates, or to narrow the report output enter a preferred start date.


Accept today's date or enter a preferred cut-off date.


Select one of the contract status options:

Click 'Open' to only include contracts with discrepancies that are still open and have not been completely returned.

Click 'Closed' to only include contracts with discrepancies that are completely returned/closed.

Click 'Both' to include all contracts in the date range that have discrepancies.


This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in Operators.
 Select one of the output options to Print a report or export the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.


Click the ACCEPT button to generate the report or spreadsheet, or click CANCEL to abort.

Topic Keyword: RSBD02 (7090)