Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Asset Tag Import

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Update Asset Tags -> EXPORT button -> Asset Tag Import

Once the Rental product Tag values have been updated on the spreadsheet generated from the Asset Tag Export and the modified spreadsheet has been saved to a tab-delimited txt file, this utility can be used to import and update the Asset Tag Details.
 Values that can be updated on the Tag include the Division, Original Cost, Accumulated Depreciation, Date Acquired and Depreciation Class.

The prompts to prepare and import the Tag data are:


Accept the date format default as defined for your company in Company Information, or enter the preferred format.
 i.e. North America = mm/dd/yyyy , European = dd/mm/yyyy


Accept today's date as the updated depreciation record that is written to the 'Accumulated Depreciation History' for each product on the import or enter a preferred date.

Date Restriction:
 A Product line error will occur on import if this Import "Depreciation Date" is not later than the last Depreciation record posted or unposted already generated for the product, and then the Tag data for that product will not be imported.

A Product line error will also occur on import if an "Acquisition Date" is submitted for a product that is later than the first Depreciation record posted or unposted already generated for that product, and then the Tag data for that product will not be imported.


Uncheck this box so that values on the import including blank values, will replace any and all existing values.

Check this box to only change values that are in the position based column so that only those values replace existing data.
 This option does not remove existing data when blanks are left on the import data.


Click Accept to continue with the import or Cancel to abort.

File Upload

The file upload action copies the tab-delimited txt file from your client machine to the data directory on the server in preparation for importing.
 The Select a File to Upload utility is used to search for the file and to rename it to "asset_tag_import,txt" before completing the upload.
 File upload success or failure is displayed.

Tag Data Import

The import process continues once the file is uploaded.
 Errors such as invalid data values, depreciation date, acquisition date and format errors will be reported on a spreadsheet and will prevent those records from being imported.

The option is provided to still import successful records or to abort the import.

Topic Keyword: RSRI27C (7102)