Further Select TP Method of Payment
Global Texada Pay Payment Methods -> Credit Card/Debit/Electronic Check/Interac -> Select TP Method of Payment -> Select Method of Payment
This payment selection window is only triggered after the selection has been made in the Select TP Method of Payment for a Texada Pay payment, if the Method of Payment cannot be determined by matching an "Issuer" as defined in the Methods of Payment.
The actual Methods of Payment is required to identify the G/L posting account for the dollar amount received.
The explanation or instructions required in this window are displayed.
The payment method from Select TP Method of Payment is displayed for information purposes.
If identifiable the Issuer associated with Credit Card is displayed for information purposes.
ie: Visa for the card reader and Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American for manual cards
Enter the Method of Payment or select it from the drop-down list.
Click OK to accept and exit.
Topic Keyword: ARMP05 (7136)