Group Min/Max Export
Purchase Order Menu -> Inventory Re-Ordering -> Edit Min & Max Utility -> GROUP IMPORT button -> Update Group Min/Max -> Group Min/Max Export
This export filter screen can be used to select the Groups to be updated, and to generate a spreadsheet template listing the values that can be updated for each of the Groups.
The template is generated only populating the Groups with existing Min and Max values at a location.
Additional existing Group records can be added to the spreadsheet with location and Min/Max values.
The prompts are:
Group Selection: One of the following two filters must be used to select the Groups for the worksheet export.
•Type ALL to include Groups from all Product Classes.
•Enter a specific Class to export only data for Groups from a single Product Class, or select a Class from the Product Class Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Product Classes to include as outlined in Select Class List window.
•Type ALL to include all Groups.
•Enter a specific Group to export only data for that Group, or select a Group from the Product Group Search window.
•Type SEL to select a combination of Product Groups to include as outlined in Select Group List window.
Click ACCEPT to generate the spreadsheet or CANCEL to abort.
Resulting Spreadsheet:
The resulting spreadsheet lists the Groups in the selected range that have Min/Max values which can be updated by location.
Modify the spreadsheet with the correct Min and Max re-order values.
Existing Min/Max values can be cleared by entering a Y in the Clear column.
Additional Groups can be added to the spreadsheet with Min/Max values and the associated Location.
Note: Blank fields on the import spreadsheet could remove data and is controlled by the option to "Ignore Blank Values" provided on the Import action.
Save the Revised Data:
When the values are all updated on the worksheet, save the completed spreadsheet to a tab delimited "txt" or "csv"file on your client machine, then use the Select a File to Upload utility to move the saved file from your client to the server in preparation for re-importing the data.
Topic Keyword: RSPO82A (7140)