Rebuild Out-Hours for Non-Bulk Rentals
Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Rebuild Out-Hours for Non-Bulk Rentals
A Rental Product's out hours should equal the accumulated out hours of history invoices.
This utility can be used to identify and re-calculate any rental hour discrepancies in non-bulk rental assets.
The prompts in this utility include:
•Type ALL to export all non-bulk rental products from all rental classes in the spreadsheet.
•To generate the list for a single Product Class, enter the class or select it from the Product Class Search window.
•Type SEL to select a range of Product Classes to include in the list as outlined in Select Product Classes.
To use the Group selection option choose one of the following:
•Type ALL to include non-bulk rental products from all Groups in the exported spreadsheet.
•Enter a single specific Group for the output, or select it from the Group Search window.
•Type SEL to make a selection of Groups to include in the spreadsheet, as outlined in Select Groups.
•Type ALL to include all non-bulk rental products as setup in Rental Inventory.
•Enter a single specific non-bulk product number for the export, or select one from the Product Search window.
•Type SEL to make a selection of non-bulk rental products to include in the report, as outlined in Select Products.
Check this box to only export non-bulk products in the range that have an "Actual Hrs versus Calculated Hrs" discrepancy and are also scheduled for maintenance in the Maintenance Schedule.
Uncheck this box to include all non-bulk products in the range that have an "Actual Hrs versus Calculated Hrs" discrepancy.
Resulting Product List:
The spreadsheet lists non-bulk products that have a discrepancy between the "Actual Out-Hours" defined by the Dates/Time on the Contract detail line less any Off-Rent time, and the "Calculated Out-Hours" based on billed rental hours from the invoice.
The hours are only accumulated for the product when the invoice is moved to history.
Any hours for any unbilled portion of the product out on contract are not considered in the calculation.
The information includes non-bulk product number, description, Group, Class, values for the Actual Out-Hours and the Calculated Out-Hours, and a Y/N flag to indicate whether this product is currently on the Maintenance Schedule.
The screen prompts to:
Click NO if the system should not adjust the "Actual Out-Hours" value to match the "Calculated Out-Hours" value at this time.
Click YES to update the "Actual Out-Hours" value replacing it with the value "Calculated Out-Hours". This value is used as the "Current Days Rented” (by multiplying this value by hours in a day) in the Maintenance Schedule.
Topic Keyword: RSPF128 (7148)