Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Service Code Export

Utilities Menu -> Data Export/Import Utilities -> Export/Import Service Codes -> Export option Service Code Export

Two spreadsheets can be generated to update the information maintained in the Service Codes table.

1.Service Codes:
 The main worksheet for Service Codes includes the following values: Service Code, Description, Alt Language Description, G/L Account #, Charge Tax 1, Charge Tax 2, Type, Charge Every Cycle Billing, Charge Every Order Billing, Amount, Bill To Customer By Default, Prompt For Quantity, Warranty Revenue Account, Division Checking, Service Is Commissionable, Include In Pickup/Del Price Code, Create P.O. From Contract, P.O. Product Number, Allow Edit Of Automatic Services, BI Service Type, Exempt From Earning Rewards, Cannot Be Paid With Rewards, and Has Div Pricing.
 New Service Codes can be added on this worksheet.
 There is also a column that signals that the Service Code should be Deleted.

For information on the use and impact of these Service values and flags refer to the Service Codes page.

2.Service Code Divisional Pricing:
 This second worksheet is used to update this "Service Code Divisional Pricing" stored in the "Divisions" window on the relevant Service Codes.
 Divisional pricing is useful if a Service Code requires different pricing on documents for a different Division.
 Divisional pricing is optional and if no dollar Amount is defined at the Division level then the default dollar Amount defined in the main screen of the Service Code applies.

The "Service Code Divisional Pricing" worksheet includes the values for Service Code, Division and Amount.
 Only Service Codes with Division Pricing records in the "Divisions" window on the Service Codes are exported on the worksheet but others may be added.
 The Service Code must already exist to update the Divisions so if new services are being added, import the "Services Codes" file first.
 There is also a Delete column to flag when a Division pricing record should be Deleted on import, so that the standard price should charged for this Service at that Division.

The prompts are:


Check this box to generate the two blank spreadsheets with the service field columns but no values.

Uncheck this box to generate the two spreadsheets populated with the values currently assigned to the Service Codes.


Click ACCEPT to generate the spreadsheet or CANCEL to abort.

Updating the Resulting Spreadsheet:

Both resulting spreadsheet include the 'Service Code' for reference. This field cannot be updated by this import process.

Any other existing values on the "Service Codes" worksheet can be updated by this process.

New Service Codes can also be added on the "Service Codes" worksheet.

Only the 'Amount' value can be updated on the "Service Code Divisional Pricing" worksheet by this process.

If new Service Codes have been added on the "Service Codes" worksheet, import this file first because the Codes must exist to set the 'Amounts' with the "Service Code Divisional Pricing".

Modify each spreadsheet with the correct values.

On import, the option is provided to ignore blank values in the import fields and to leave existing data in those fields unchanged, or to import the blank fields as blank removing the existing data in those fields.

If a Service Code is no longer applicable enter a Y in the Delete column to remove this Service Code from the table.
 On Import an audit record is written to the Delete Log for RSSC07D

Refer to Service Code Import for error conditions on the Services import.
 Refer to Export/Import Service Codes for error conditions on the Divisional Pricing import.

Save the Revised Data:
 When the values are all updated on the worksheets, save each completed spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file on your client machine.
 The text files can be move from the client to the server individually using the Select a File to Upload utility by selecting the Upload Service and Upload Div Pricing options in the Export/Import Service Codes radio group.
 The data Import is also done separately for the two different worksheets by selecting each of the Import Service and Import Div Pricing options in the Export/Import Service Codes radio group.

Topic Keyword: RSSC07A (7202)