Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Multiple Choice Options

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Operations Tab -> Inventory -> Maintain Inspection Forms -> OPT column -> Multiple Choice Options

This Multiple Choice Options window in the OPT column is only enabled when the record on the Maintain Inspection Forms is an INSPECTION_MULTIPLE_CHOICE type record, and can be used to define the acceptable responses for this particular inspection question.

The prompts are:


The first 60 characters of the text captured in the 'User Prompt' field for this Inspection record is displayed for reference.

Option or Response List

The list of responses can be entered manually by selecting each valid response from the drop-down box on the OPTIONS field.
 Alternatively the list of responses can be populated by clicking the ADD LIST button and selecting from existing lists already setup in the Inspection Form Multiple Choice Lists table.

Note: If a List of responses is selected using the ADD LIST tool, the Options in the selected List will replace all other Options that may have already been entered for this inspection question.

Options can be added and removed as responses for this inspection question as required.

Topic Keyword: FLIMCL02 (8013)