Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Portal Deposit Views

Portal Management -> Portal Confirmations -> Deposit Views

This window displays the deposit history entries for the Portal order before it is converted. Each deposit taken is recorded separately, along with the date of that deposit, payment method and description, amount, authorization number, and type of deposit.
 Deposit types include:

SA - Sale
 CR - Credit/Return
 AU - Authorization Only (positive dollar amount)
 VO - Void Authorization (negative dollar amount)
 VO - Void TP Credit Card payment (same day cancelled order)

Click EXP/CON or press to view Transaction Type, Card #, and Card Name where applicable, for each deposit record.

Posted and unposted deposits associated with the order are automatically transferred to the Worksheet when the order is converted.
 Any order with deposits cannot be deleted without reversing the deposits.

Topic Keyword: TXDPVIEW (8053)