Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Select AvaTax Codes

Global Search window -> AvaTax Code field with Taxing Method Avalara Tax -> AvaTax System Tax Codes

When the Avalara Tax software is activated in the Company Taxing Parameters, AvaTax codes can be defined in the AvaTax System Tax Codes.
 This search window can be used on the rental and sales product, rental and sales class, group, service and waiver to search for and assign the appropriate AvaTax code to the item.
 A separate AvaTax Code for disposals can also be assigned to each rental product, rental class and group.

When this search window is accessed from a Rental or Sales Inventory record, the window opens using the existing code to filter the initial search displaying only the matches in the resulting list.
 The search can always be modified by removing or changing the search filter.

A search field respecting the code value and the description is provided to filter the AvaTax codes in the table

Resulting AvaTax Records
 The AvaTax are listed by Code with Description as setup in AvaTax System Tax Codes.
 The list can be resorted by any column in ascending or descending order, by clicking in the column heading.
 Columns can also be dragged and dropped to reposition them as required.

To select a tax code, double click on the site record, or highlight the record and click the SELECT button.
 This button is disabled when one of the "Action" buttons below must be selected in place of the 'Select' button.

Topic Keyword: AVATCSL (8072)