Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

API Documentation Detail

Portal Overview Information Guide -> API Documentation -> API Documentation Detail

API's are Application Program Interface functions that generate the programs selected from the web menu.
 The standard API's released by Texada Software are used by the Portal by default.
 However these API's can be modified to customize your Portal website in greater depth.

Following are the links to the documents outlining the API Application Program Interface setup used by the Portal website, including details on the Input/Output Parameters, and Record sets.
 Refer to Web Services XML Examples for the XML associated with the API calls.


oInitial Settings

oCustomer Login

oCustomer Logout

Contract Inquiries

oList Contracts - also used for Pickup Requests

oList Contract Billings

oEstimated Billing Report

oView Contract

Invoice Inquiries

oList Invoices

oView Invoice

Reservation Inquiries

oList Reservations

oView Reservation

Quotation Inquiries

oList Quotations

oView Quotation

Accounts Receivable Inquiries

oAccount Inquiry

oAged Account Inquiry

oList Payments - part of the Account Inquiry API... not called directly

oList Sites

Group Inquiries

oRental Equipment Availability

oRental Rate Inquiry

oRental Analysis


oMaintain Users

oChange Password

oMaintain Password Question

oMaintain Driver's License

oMaintain Sites

Shopping Cart

oShopping Cart

Topic Keyword: INDEX