Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Remove Off Rental

Counter Menu -> Off Rentals By Contract -> REVERSE button -> Remove Off Rental

If an Off Rental and/or subsequent On Rental is performed in Off Rentals By Contract for the wrong dates/times, that transaction can be manually deleted from the off rental table and from the contract detail, so that the correct date and times can be entered.
 The operator must have Security Role Permissions to Reverse Off/On Rental Transaction flagged in the role "Deletions" window.

 The Off Rental reverse cannot be processed and a warning is triggered under the following conditions:

the Delivery or Pick Up status for the Contract Detail line is not blank.

the product is part of ship exchange.

the Contract Detail line has been billed and there off-hours in the billed period, and the invoice is posted to History.

oIf the Contract Detail line has been billed and there off-hours in the billed period, but the invoice is unposted and has a Current status, the reverse Off Rental can proceed once the Cycle Billing or Rental Return that billed the product, is reversed.

oIf the Contract Detail line has been billed and there off-hours in the billed period, and the invoice has a Batch status, then the invoice needs to be moved back to Current and the billing reversed before the Off Rental can be removed.

Note: Off Rental hours can still be reversed on a Contract where the product has been Cycle Billed, if the Off-Rent transaction was created after the invoice was generated because that invoice would not have any off-hours considered in the rental calculation.

The prompts are:


Enter the contract number for the Off-Rented product, or select it from the Contract Search window.


All existing Off Rent transactions are displayed in the drop-down list with the Off Rent Trx#, Contract#, Product#, Detail line on the contract, Quantity, Date/Time Off rented, and Date/Time On rented.
 Enter the Off Rent transaction to be reversed or select it from the drop-down list.


Any condition that prevents the reversal of this Off Rental is displayed.
 Refer to the "Restrictions" list above.

If the Off Rent transaction is eligible for reversal, the product off rental information is displayed on the screen, including the Product#, Detail line on the contract, Quantity, Date/Time Off rented, and Date/Time On rented.


Click the DELETE button to remove the Off Rent record from the Contract and from the Off Rent table or click CANCEL to abort.

When the Off Rent is reversed, the Contract product detail is assigned Status O for Out, and the Off Rent Hours are reduced.
 The Off Rent transaction is deleted from the Off Rentals By Contract history.
 When the reversal is complete an audit record is written to the Delete Log for RSFRDELW.

Topic Keyword: RSFRDELW (7017)