Import Security Roles
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> Security -> General Settings -> Security Roles -> Import Security Roles
Menu security and various action permissions can be controlled by the Security Roles assigned to the Operator.
The Import utility can be used to flag the menus and actions that should be accessible by operators with this role, and also to define the operators that should be assigned to this role.
Process Flow:
•Create a role in Security Roles.
The role must exist in the import company before the permissions can be imported.
Always review the permissions for this target role to ensure the record is properly created prior to the import.
If a new role is required that is similar to another existing role, follow the steps outlined in 'Copy Permission Setup to a New Similar Role' in Security Roles to create the new role.
•Create the users in Operators.
The operator must exist in the import company before the permissions can be imported, or the role can always be assigned manually to the operator later.
•Click on the Export field for that specific role in Security Roles to output all the menus and menu options to a spreadsheet.
oRole Spreadsheet:
The resulting spreadsheet lists includes the following columns.
Certain column contents should not be modified or the import will fail, as noted below:
Do not change this field, as it is used internally to map the new value when the spreadsheet is imported.
Types include:
M - Menu
I - Individual menu option
ROLEPER - Role access & action permissions flags per Security Role Permissions
OPR - Operator
Do not change this field, as it is the Menu code or the Operator associated Division, or the menu code where an Individual menu option resides.
This column does not apply to Roleper records.
Do not change this field, as it is the function or program name for the Individual menu option or it is the Operator Code.
This column does not apply to Menu or Roleper records.
Do not change this field, as it is the corresponding menu, program, permission description, or operator name.
This field initially reports on the existing flag for this role or operator.
Options currently assigned to this role are flagged Y in the ALLOW ACCESS field, or this field is left blank if the option is not currently accessible by the role.
Set Menu Options and Role Permission Flags:
Modify the spreadsheet to show which options should be accessible by this role, by flagging the ALLOW ACCESS field as Y or YES (upper or lower case) to the Menu Options (I) and to the Permission options (ROLEPER).
Blank or any other character in the ALLOW ACCESS field on the spreadsheet is interpreted as this role should not be allowed access to the option.
Note: Menus and sub-menus are flagged N/A (not applicable) as a permission level is not relevant.
Operator Role Assignment:
Modify the spreadsheet to show which operators (OPR) should be assigned to this Role by flagging the ALLOW ACCESS field as Y or YES (upper or lower case).
Blank or any other character in the ALLOW ACCESS field on the spreadsheet will cause the operator to be removed from the role when the spreadsheet is imported.
oIf permission on an existing security role option or operator should not be changed, do not change the existing ALLOW ACCESS flag on the spreadsheet, or else just delete the menu, menu option, permission, or operator record from the spreadsheet before saving it.
Role security will only be updated for options and operators included on the saved spreadsheet.
oWhen the spreadsheet is completed, save it as a tab-delimited text file.
•Click on the Import field in Security Roles and use the Select a File to Upload utility to select the filename to upload the menus with security permissions for this role, per the "tab-delimited text file".
Note: If any menu options or operators are deleted from the spreadsheet prior to importing, the role accessibility security will NOT be changed for those options omitted on the spreadsheet.
Information Log:
The number of options changed to Allow or to no longer Allow are listed.
This report can be printed or exported to Excel as outlined in Information Log.
Error Conditions:
Only the spreadsheet exported for a role can be imported back into the software for the same role.
Records with invalid data will be reported and ignored.
The role/operator must exist in the import company before the permissions can be imported.
•Confirm or Modify Resulting Role Security Changes:
The menu access changes can be confirmed and updated in the Menu Security window in Security Roles for each role.
The operator role changes can be confirmed or the roles can be manually assigned to appropriate operators in the Associated Operators window in Security Roles, or individually in Operators.
The security action permission changes can be confirmed or manually set in the Permissions window in Security Roles.
Topic Keyword: IMP_ROLES