Web Services XML Examples
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Portal Overview Information Guide -> Portal API Documentation -> Web Services XML Examples
The webservices include support for both legacy sites, as well as customizable fields on a per-customer basis.
The per-customer field customization is not intended to be implemented via web services at this time.
Note: All web service calls should leave T_LEGACY set to N or not specified, and T_INDEX_ID set to "WSDL" to retrieve all available data.
Date formats are YYYYMMDD, time formats are HHMMSS. Yes/No fields take either Y or N, and blank defaults to N.
Portal API Calls
Portal calls to support account customer portal.
TX_CUST_LOGIN or TK_WS_EMAIL_LOGIN must be called first to get a session key, and that session key must be used for all additional calls.
Get details of a TX_* api. For query API's this returns the input parameters. Using this for query parameters is optional. You can just always submit all parameters.
For TX_MAINTAIN_* API's this returns both the input fields when maintaining the record (user, site, etc), as well as a list of user name/site names and id's, which can be used to populate a drop-down list to select the specific record to maintain.
TX_API should be set to the API call for which you need the details, ie TX_MAINTAIN_USERS.
Sample Request
Sample Response
To display records selected within a range in multiple pages, you can use the T_PAGE and T_LINES_PER_PAGE parameters to control the display of the results set. This will allow you to select a large set of records, saving the query results on the server, and to request rows from that set one page at a time.
When T_LINES_PER_PAGE and T_PAGE are both 0, all records within the selection set are returned by the API Call.
To build a set of results and return them in pages, set T_PAGE to 0, and T_LINES_PER_PAGE to the desired lines per page. This will build a result set, and return the first page of results. To obtain subsequent pages, call the same API with T_PAGE set to a non-zero value.
To re-select new results, you must call the API with T_PAGE set to 0 to re-select the record set.
Initial portal settings for theme, gets list of options defined for the current session. This is used by the portal front-end to control appearance, and is not required if you are not using the portal front-end.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Initial login, required to get a WEB_ID for all other TX_ calls
This requires a customer number, and either a password or an API key.
For the customer's administrative login, T_USERID must be set to blank.
Individual customer users added via TX_MAINTAIN_USERS, must supply the T_CUST_N, T_USERID, and T_PASSWORD. If T_ENCRYPTED is set to Y, then the password must be passed as an encrypted string.
Encryption method:
function encodePassword(password)
var lowAlpha = new String("qazxswedcvfrtgbnhyujmkiolp");
var highAlpha = new String(lowAlpha.toUpperCase());
var numbers = new String("9753124680");
var work = new String(password);
var newPassword = new String("");
var i = 0;
var ch = 0;
ch = work.charCodeAt(i);
if(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
newPassword = new String(newPassword) + numbers.charAt(ch - 48);
else if(ch >= 65 && ch <= 90)
newPassword = new String(newPassword) + lowAlpha.charAt(ch - 65);
else if(ch >= 97 && ch <= 122)
newPassword = new String(newPassword) + highAlpha.charAt(ch - 97);
} else {newPassword = new String(newPassword) + work.charAt(i);}
return newPassword;
returns the list of menu options and sub-options allowed for the current session.
Sample Request
Sample Response
This is a replacement for TX_CUST_LOGIN, and allows salesman and customers to log in using just an email address and password.
The password may be optionally encrypted, as described TX_CUST_LOGIN.
If the email address is valid, T_LOGIN_TYPE will be returned as a non-blank value, even if the login fails. This is intended to be used to validate whether or not an email address is already registered to a customer account.
T_CUST_N will be set to the customer number for customer logins. T_SALESMAN will be set to the salesman id for salesman logins. T_USERID will be set to either ADMINISTRATOR or the customer userid login.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Returns whether or not the customer requires a purchase order number when submitting cart requests/
T_CUST_N is optional, and will return the value for the session's logged in customer if left blank.
If T_PO_REQUIRED_YN is Y, then the user must specify a purchase order when submitting the cart.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Log Out TX_* session
Sample Request
Sample Response
Reserved for internal use.
This is used by the Webadmin user to modify the menus and sub-menus displayed by portal.
Reserved for internal use.
Restricted to administrator logins, this resets the current theme to the default theme.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Reserved for internal use.
Web administrator only - maintain presentation themes, returns current presentation theme information
Sample Request
Sample Response
For salesman logins only, set the current session customer number to a specific customer number.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Contract Inquiries
List contracts for a customer by selected ranges.
T_ACTIVE_ONLY can have the following values: "O" or "Y" for all current Open contracts, "N" or "C" for closed contracts, "B" or "A" for all contracts. T_INCLUDE_ARCHIVED includes closed historical contracts, and can generally be set to "N" and will ignored when searching for open contracts only.
If T_DETAILED_REPORT is "Y", then each contract will include a "" section which lists all products on the contracts. T_PAGE and T_LINES_PER_AGE are ignored when calling the detailed report.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get the parameters and default values.
T_SEARCH_BY values:
oblank - no search filtering
oP - search by product. T_SEARCH_VALUE is the product number.
oC - search by product class. T_SEARCH_VALUE is the product class.
oG - search by product group. T_SEARCH_VALUE is the product group.
Sample Request
Sample Response
List all invoices associated with a particular contract
Sample Request
Sample Response
View a single contract. Type can be:
oBlank or PDF: Return a base64-encoded pdf
oXML: return an xml representation of the contract. These are all the data fields that are used to generate the pdf
In both cases the returning data is enclosed in a <report><report_el></report_el></report> structure.
Sample Request - PDF
Sample Response - PDF
Sample Request - XML
Sample Response - XML
Invoice Inquiries
List invoices for a customer by date range
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
View a single invoice. Type can be:
oBlank or PDF: Return a base64-encoded pdf
oXML: return an xml representation of the invoice. This returns all the data that is used to generate the pdf
In both cases the returning data is enclosed in a <report><report_el></report_el></report> structure
Sample Request - PDF
Sample Response - PDF
Sample Request - XML
Sample Response - XML
Reservation Inquiries
List reservations for a customer by date range
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Sample Detail Request
Sample Detail Response
View a single reservation. Type can be:
oBlank or PDF: Return a base64-encoded pdf
oXML: return an xml representation of the reservation. This returns all the data that is used to generate the pdf
In both cases the returning data is enclosed in a <report><report_el></report_el></report> structure
Sample Request
Sample Response
Quotation Inquiries
List quotes for a customer by date range
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Sample Detail Request
Sample Detail Response
View a single quote. Type can be:
oBlank or PDF: Return a base64-encoded pdf
oXML: return an xml representation of the quote. This returns all the data that is used to generate the pdf
In both cases the returning data is enclosed in a <report><report_el></report_el></report> structure
Sample Request
Sample Response
Accounts Receivable Inquiries
Account Inquiry, with current aging
This will show invoices, within the selection criteria. The rollup columns are deprecated, and ignored when specified.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Account Inquiry, with current aging
This will show invoices, within the selection criteria. The rollup columns are deprecated, and ignored when specified.
TK_WS_ACCOUNT_INQUIRY output is similar to TX_ACCOUNT_INQUIRY, but includes the discount days, discount percentage, and reward dollar eligible amounts.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Aged Account Inquiry, aged as of aging date
This will show invoices, within the selection criteria.
If one of T_MONTHLY_ROLLUP,T_QUARTERLY_ROLLUP, or T_YEARLY_ROLLUP is set to 'C', then this will return monthly, quarterly, or yearly summary totals instead. Monthly takes precedence over Quarterly or Yearly, and Quarterly takes precedence over Yearly.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
List payments applied to an invoice, or invoices paid by a payment
Sample Request
Sample Response
List customer sites
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
List customer sites with optional search
Returns all sites where the name contains the text string in T_SEARCH, or all sites if T_SEARCH is blank.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Check if the customer has a credit hold. If there is a credit hold, T_CREDIT_HOLD is set to Y and T_CREDIT_HOLD_MESSAGE will contain a message.
You can pass T_ADDITIONAL_AMOUNT to check if a new invoice request would put them over the credit limit.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Return a reward dollar statement and current reward dollar balance as either XML or a PDF document
T_TYPE can be BAL (balances only), XML (xml statement) or PDF (base-64 encoded pdf statement)
Sample Request
Sample Response
Group Inquiries
Check group availability by description
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
List rental rates by description or for a single group.
If T_SEARCH_BY is "G", T_SEARCH_VALUE must be a valid group number. If T_SEARCH_BY is "D", T_SEARCH_VALUE can be blank for all groups, or a text string. If not blank, only groups with the description which starts with this text will be returned.
If T_SEARCH_BY is "C", then T_SEARCH_VALUE must be a valid product class.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
List rental rates by description or for a single group.
If T_SEARCH_BY is "G", T_SEARCH_VALUE must be a valid group number. If T_SEARCH_BY is "D", T_SEARCH_VALUE can be blank for all groups, or a text string. If not blank, only groups with the description which starts with this text will be returned.
If T_SEARCH_BY is "C", then T_SEARCH_VALUE must be a valid product class.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
You can specify either T_WEB_ID to get a customer's specific rates, or use T_API_KEY to get book rates without a session. T_WEB_ID is ignored when T_API_KEY is given.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Rental analysis report by site, date ranges.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get parameters
Sample Request
Sample Response
Look up, add, change or delete a user profile
To add a new user, call with T_ACTION = 'A'.
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get the list of records to edit.
To display a user's current settings, call with T_ACTION = 'L' and T_MAINTAIN_USER_NAME set to the user's name.
To save changes, call with T_ACTION = 'C', T_MAINTAIN_USER_NAME set to the user's name, and the other values set as Y or N.
To rename a user, you will have to call with T_ACTION = 'L' for the old name, with T_ACTION = 'D' for the old name to delete the old record, and with T_ACTION = 'A' with the new name and values from the lookup call, to create the record under the new name.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Change password used with TX_CUST_LOGIN
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get the fields to display.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Change password recovery question/answer
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get the fields to display.
Action L - lookup or C change. Allows you to get or change the password recovery prompt and email for the current user.
Does not apply if using API key instead of user/password login.
Sample Request
Sample Response
API to maintain password recovery question/answer or get recovery question/answer.
Action is 'L' to look up existing answer, 'C' to change it.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Resets the password associated with an email address, and emails the new password.
Note this does not use the recovery question, which does not apply to salesman logons.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Changes the email address associated with the current session.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Change site information for a single site. T_ACTION is 'L' to look up an existing site, 'A' to add one, 'C' to change, 'D' to delete.
The site number is a maximum of 6 characters in length, and should be restricted to alpha-numeric characters. Site number is always converted to upper-case by the application when adding new sites.
TK_WS_MAINTAIN_SITES has additional inputs T_MAINTAIN_LATITUDE, T_MAINTAIN_LONGITUDE, T_SITE_TYPE, T_LOADING_DOCK, T_FIRST_CALL, and T_MIN_LOADING_TIME, and returns the site number added in T_SITE_ADDED when a new site number is created.
Adding a new site
T_MAINTAIN_SITE is set to either a new site number, or "*AUTO*" if the application should assign the next available site number.
T_MAINTAIN_SITE_N must be set to "<AuTo>";
Changing, looking up, or deleting an existing site
T_MAINAIN_SITE is ignored, and T_MAINTAIN_SITE_N must be set to the site number.
Use TX_LIST_SITES or TK_WS_LIST_SITES to obtain a list of sites.
Sample Add Request
Sample Add Response
Sample Change Request
Sample Change Response
Sample Lookup Request
Sample Lookup Response
List site delivery & pickup types
Sample Request
Sample Response
Search for current session customer sites
Sample Request
Sample Response
Search for classes, groups, or products matching input parameters T_SEARCH_BY must be one of C, G, or P
Sample Request
Sample Response
Return a customer name for a customer number
Sample Request
Sample Response
Search for customer records by name
Sample Request
Sample Response
List all divisions
Sample Request
Sample Response
Get merchandise pricing. This returns a list of prices and minimum quantities for each price level.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Get merchandise pricing. This returns a list of prices and minimum quantities for each price level.
You can pass either T_WEB_ID or T_API_KEY. If using T_API_KEY it will only return the list price.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Get safety notes for groups or sales merchandise
Sample Request
Sample Response
Set a child account to use for subsequent API calls
Call TX_GET_API_DETAILS to get the list of child accounts.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Used to enable or disable email reporting of outstanding contract summary or detail reports. T_ACTION should be "C", and T_MAINTAIN_OUTSTANDING_CONTRAC_D should be they day of the month when the report is to be generated.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Shopping Cart
Shopping cart flow:
The shopping cart is maintained by the website. When the user is ready to submit the cart, call TK_WS_UPDATE_CART or TX_UPDATE_CART to clear and then update the cart data stored within the application.
You can then call TX_GET_CART or TK_WS_GET_CART to return the shopping cart contents that will be submitted to the application. TK_WS_GET_CART allows you to request pricing with taxes and other charges while TX_GET_CART only returns quantities.
TX_CHECK_OUT will return the list of parameters to be prompted for (date out, date due, etc) as inputs to TX_SUBMIT_CART or TK_WS_SUBMIT_CART.
TX_SUBMIT_CART and TK_WS_SUBMIT_CART create a Quote or Reservation request within the application and clears the stored cart.
TK_WS_GET_CART, TK_WS_UPDATE_CART, and TK_WS_SUBMIT_CART replace the older TX_* API's, which are only provided for backwards compatibility.
List current shopping cart contents
Expected values for Type are: G = Group, P = Product, S = Service, W = Damage Waiver, T = Tax.
Expected values for the "Rent Sale" field in the return data: R = Rental, S = Sale, V = Service, W = Damage Waiver, T = Taxes.
Sample Request
Sample Response
List current shopping cart contents
If TX_CALC_PRICING = 'Y' then it will perform a price calculation, and also return applicable taxes and services. Price calculations require that the division, and rental period be provided. If customer# is not provided, it defaults to the session customer.
Expected values for Type are: G = Group, P = Product, S = Service, W = Damage Waiver, T = Tax.
Expected values for the "Rent Sale" field in the return data: R = Rental, S = Sale, V = Service, W = Damage Waiver, T = Taxes.
Sample Request Without Prices
Sample Response Without Prices
Sample Request With Prices
Sample Response With Prices
Add cart items, with the option to clear the cart. This API will only add new items to the cart, to a maximum of 999 items. The caller is responsible for maintaining a copy of the cart. To revise cart quantities, you will need to clear the cart and submit all quantities again.
If you set T_CLEAR_CART=Y, the existing cart contents are cleared, and then any items specified in the same call will be added. If you want to clear the cart and not add any items, set T_CLEAR_CART to Y and don't pass any T_CART_ITEM* values.
Type is 'G' for group number or 'P' for product number.
Call TX_GET_CART to retrieve the current cart contents.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Add cart items, with the option to clear the cart. This API will only add new items to the cart, to a maximum of 999 items. The caller is responsible for maintaining a copy of the cart. To revise cart quantities, you will need to clear the cart and submit all quantities again.
If you set T_CLEAR_CART=Y, the existing cart contents are cleared, and then any items specified in the same call will be added. If you want to clear the cart and not add any items, set T_CLEAR_CART to Y and don't pass any T_CART_ITEM* values.
Type is 'G' for group number or 'P' for product number.
Call TX_GET_CART to retrieve the current cart contents.
Sample Request
Sample Response
This API returns the checkout parameters to be prompted for, and default values
Sample Request
Sample Response
Submit the uploaded shopping cart to create reservation or quote.
T_DELIVERY must be set to Y if the customer wants the equipment to be delivered.
T_PICKUP must be set to Y if the customer wants to have the equipment picked up at the end of the rental.
T_CONVERT_TYPE can be "Q" for Quote, "R" for Reservation, or blank.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Submit the uploaded shopping cart to create reservation or quote.
T_DELIVERY must be set to Y if the customer wants the equipment to be delivered.
T_PICKUP must be set to Y if the customer wants to have the equipment picked up at the end of the rental.
T_CONVERT_TYPE can be "Q" for Quote, "R" for Reservation, or blank.
T_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS: 200-character comment field
T_SUPPRESS_CUST_EMAIL: if set to Y, the application will not email a confirmation to the customer. This allows the caller to generate a notification email. Notificiation will still be sent to reservation or quote staff email addresses. Sample Request
Sample Response
List all groups for a product class
Sample Request
Sample Response
List rental product classes
Sample Request
Sample Response
List sales product classes
Sample Request
Sample Response
List sales products for a group
Sample Request
Sample Response
Pickup Requests
Pickup Request Flow
To obtain the list of items available for pickup, you must first call TX_LIST_CONTRACTS, with T_ACTIVE_ONLY = 'Y' or 'O' to obtain a list of contracts. T_DETAIL_REPORT should be set to N or blank.
For each contract in the list returned, call TX_REQUEST_PICKUP, passing it the contract number. This will return a list of product numbers on the contract which are eligible for pickup, as well as the quantity on rent, pending, and confirmed.
On Rent is the current quantity out on contract. Pending is the quantity submitted by pickup via API but not yet confirmed by the application. Once items are confirmed they are removed from this list completely.
The difference between On Rent and Pending is the maximum quantity which can be requested for pickup. As an example, if On Rent is 6 and Pending is 4, you can only request a pickup of 1 or 2.
To submit pickup requests, call TX_SUBMIT_PICKUP_REQUEST, and provide it the list of contract number, product number, quantity to pick up, detail #, etc.
After submitting the pickup request, call TX_REQUEST_PICKUP_ERRORS, and pass it the Pickup# returned by the submit request. This will return any errors that will result in an item not being picked up.
Pickup request - list items available for pickup on a contract
Sample Request
Sample Response
Submit pickup request details
Request items for pickup. You must specify contract, date, time, product, description, quantity, and detail_trx_n for each item to be picked up.
This information is taken from the TX_REQUEST_PICKUP call results.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Get Pickup Request errors. These are items which cannot be picked up for various reasons.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Delivery And Pickup Tickets
This API is used to update the status of delivery and pickup tickets from external systems.
It can be used in two ways, either to update single line items, or to update entire tickets.
Single Line Items
For single line items, T_TICKET_NO = trim(Contract_n) + '-' + trim(Ticket_n) + '-' + trim(offrent_trx_n) + TicketType, where TicketType is 'D' for a deliver, 'P' for a pickup, and 'X' for the outgoing exchange item on a pickup ticket.
T_STOP_TYPE must be either ASSIGN, LOAD or UNLOAD, and is called when the driver is assigned to a ticket, loads an item onto the truck, or unloads it.
This updates the driver within the application when an item is loaded, and captures the quantities and completed times.
T_REPLACED_BY can be used if a product is replaced by a different product, for example if the requested equipment doesn't start, and a different one is taken instead.
Update Multiple Items
For updating multiple items, T_TICKET_NO = trim(Contract_n) + '-' + trim(Ticket_n), and T_STOP_TYPE is either DELIVER or PICKUP.
The API is only called once, upon completion of the pickup or delivery ticket. You can pass up to 5 products that are on the ticket.
Sample Single Line Item Request
Sample Single Line Item Response
Update Ticket Sample Request
Update Ticket Sample Response
Account Payment Calls
These are used to record payments on account.
Returns all valid payment methods defined within the application, along with a type.
Type is blank for cash, A for credit cards which must be scanned and authorized, S for cards which are scanned only, and Y for credit card with no special rules.
Sample Request
Sample Response
This records a customer payment against a customer account.
T_BATCH: this must be a valid AR batch code.
T_PAYMENT_METHOD must be a valid method as returned by TK_WS_LIST_METHOD_OF_PAYMENTS.
Sample Request
Sample Response
This API is designed to give your customers the ability to apply an outstanding payment to up to 15 invoices/documents. The results will be as if a Customer Payment was entered in the system, with the user selecting an open check and applying it to one or more documents.
Input parameters:
T_WEB_ID: The unique Web Identification value returned by the Customer Login API.
T_BATCH: AR Payment Batch Code
T_CUST_N: Logged In Customer for which the payment is being made.
T_DIVISION: Division of the payment.
T_PAYMENT_METHOD: Method of Payment
T_CHECK_N: Check Number of check to be applied.
T_CHECK_DATE_YYYYMMDD: Date of check to be applied (YYYYMMDD).
Up to 15 documents can be paid, using parameters <T_DOC>X<, T_TYPE>X<,T_DATE>X<,T_PAYMENT>X< and T_DISCOUNT>X< where X is 1 through 15.
T_DOC1: Document to apply the payment to.
T_TYPE1: Type of the document to be applied to. (I)nvoice, (F)inance charge, or (P)ayment.
T_DATE1: Date of document to be applied to (YYYYMMDD).
T_PAYMENT1: Payment amount of document to be applied to.
T_DISCOUNT1: Discount amount of document to be applied to.
Sample Request
Sample Response
This API is designed to give your customers the ability to transfer amounts from one customer to another. The results will be as if Transfer Customer Payments was executed in the system, with the user selecting an open check/invoice and transferring it to one or more other customers.
Input parameters:
T_WEB_ID: The unique Web Identification value returned by the Customer Login API.
T_FROM_CUST_N: Logged In Customer from which the transfer is being made.
T_FROM_DOC_N: Document number from which the transfer is being made.
T_FROM_DOC_DATE: Document Date from which the transfer is being made.
T_FROM_DOC_TYPE: Document Type from which the transfer is being made: I=Invoice, P=Payment.
You may transfer to up to 10 documents, using parameters <T_TO_CUST_N>X<, T_TO_CHECK_N>X<,T_AMOUNT>X< and T_DIVISION>X< where X is 1 through 10.
T_TO_CUST_N1: Customer to which to transfer to.
T_TO_CHECK_1: Document number to be transferred to.
T_AMOUNT1: Amount to transfer.
T_DIVISION1: Division to transfer to.
Sample Request
Sample Response
API Key Calls
These calls require an API key, and can be used without requiring a call to TX_CUST_LOGIN to create a "Portal" Session Id.
These calls are intended to support a multi-tiered shopping cart structure, and the ability to link an email address to an existing account customer number.
List all classes/subclasses/groups
Sample Request
Sample Response
Find application customer number by email address.This customer number is used by TX_CUST_LOGIN.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Get a list of items from the class/group tree.
If starting web_item_id is blank, start at the root of the tree.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Other APIs
These calls are independent of Portal.
Return the status (reserved or actual) of non-bulk products, and availability for bulk and sales products.
Sample Request
Sample Response
Topic Keyword: Portal_Webservices