Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Rental Analysis - API


 This API is designed to give your customers the ability to view a summary of their rental activity with your firm.



   Parameter          Default Value         Comment


    T_WEB_ID                                 The unique Web Identification value

                                             returned by the Customer Login API.


    T_INDEX_ID          default              The Index ID associated with this API that

                                             defines the Modes and Fields available.


    T_LINES_PER_PAGE                         If you wish to limit the number of records

                                             returned as part of the record set, enter the

                                             maximum number of lines to be returned when a page

                                             is requested.

                                             If there is no limit required enter 0.


    T_PAGE                                   This parameter is to be used with the T_LINES_PER_PAGE

                                             parameter to determine which data is to be passed in

                                             the record set.  Pass 0 or blank for the initial call

                                             to build record set.


    T_CUST_N            Logged In Customer   The customer# for which the query is regarding.


    T_ALL_SITES         Y


    T_SITE_N                                 ALL_SITES = All sites.


    T_FROM_DATE         January 1, 1901      Part of the date range in which the document must

                                             be between.


    T_TO_DATE           December 31, 2199    Part of the date range in which the document must

                                             be between.


    T_PRODUCT_CLASS                          ALL_CLASSES = All Classes.


    T_PRODUCT_GROUP                          ALL_GROUPS = All Classes




    T_SUMMARY_DETAIL     S                   S = Summary Report, D = Detail Report.


    T_TYPE                                   = HTML Report, Record Set = Record Set Output as

                                             defined below.


    T_PRODUCT_CLASS_CB                       Y = User selected 'All' checkbox and therefore

                                             T_PRODUCT_CLASS will now be ignored, and all classes

                                             will be reported on.


    T_PRODUCT_GROUP_CB                       Y = User selected 'All' checkbox and therefore

                                             T_PRODUCT_GROUP will now be ignored, and all groups

                                             will be reported on.


    T_DIVISION_CB                            Y = User selected 'All' checkbox and therefore

                                             T_DIVISION will now be ignored, and all divisions

                                             will be reported on.




  Parameter                 Comment


    T_ERROR                   If an error is encountered this will be returned as a non-blank value.


    T_NUM_PAGES               This will return the total number of pages generated based on the

                              T_LINES_PER_PAGE parameter which was passed in.


    T_PAGE                    The current page of data that has been returned in the record set.


    T_LIMIT_EXCEEDED          If the total number of records which are required to be listed exceed

                              the maximum allowed as set in Presentation Themes this will

                              return a non-blank value contain what limit has been exceeded. (ie.100)


    T_WEB_VIEW                Y = JSP will present the output as an html page.




Record Set: RSIH


  Column Names                 Comment




    Div Code


    Div Name




    Site Name


    Ship Name


    Purchase Order#






    Group Desc


    Qty Rented


    $ Rented


    Days Rented

