Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Rental Return Tunable Parameters

Many of the features and the functionality of the Rental Return and the FIFO Rental Return can be customized to meet your firm's business practices.
 Some of the tunable parameters can be set to apply to your entire company, and some to the parameters can be controlled by specific division.
 Customizable settings include:

Control of Rental Return by Operator Division:

A flag can be set by operator in Operators to control whether an operator should be able to return or edit existing contracts from a division other than his own default division.
 When activated, this setting prevents operators from returning products on contracts from other divisions.

Allow Override of Rental Rates:

The Company Security Parameters sets a company-wide rule on whether rental rates and rental dollar amounts on product details can be over-ridden on invoices generated from a contract billing, such as cycle billing and rental return.
 When set to prohibit rate over-rides, any rate adjustments must be made through the discount process, rather than directly to the rental charge.

Field Access Security in Security Role Permissions can further restrict the ability to change rental rates by individual operators.

Inventory Transfers on Return to a Different Location:

When inventory is returned to a different location from the location that it went "Out" from per the Contract, a transfer can be created to move the inventory quantities and inventory values to the new location.
 The following Company Contract Parameters can be set to process these transfers:

Inventory Transfer Default:
 This prompt is the default that is displayed on the Rental Return Inventory Transfers screen in Rental Return that can be over-typed as required.
 If the Rental Return Inventory Transfers screen is suppressed, then the transfer is or is not created, based on this Inventory Transfer Default.

Suppress Inventory Transfer Screen:
 This field controls whether the Rental Return Inventory Transfers screen is triggered at all in the Rental Return and if it is suppressed, then the transfer is or is not created, based on the Inventory Transfer Default.

Field Access Security:

Additional role security can be set to restrict certain actions in the Rental Return and in invoices resulting from a rental return by field, as defined for the operator in Security Role Permissions.
 This security feature can be used to control the operator's ability to over-ride field values including product description, discount percents, dates/times, quantities, rates, price, and terms.

Partial Returns:

Partial returns can be made.

An invoice can be produced for each partial return until all items on the contract are returned or sold.

Conversely a single invoice can be generated with each item adding to the original invoice as items is returned.
 The option to generate a single invoice from multiple partial returns is controlled in the Divisional Return Parameters. The Invoice is automatically put "On Hold" and so does not get posted until all products are returned and the Contract is closed.
 If this flag is not activated for the division, invoices from partial returns can still be put on hold manually using Hold/Release Current Invoices and subsequent returns can still be added to the same invoice.

To add returned Products to a single invoice from multiple-returns, the products must all come from one contract. If a single invoice from multiple contracts is desired, then consolidate the contracts first from Contract Consolidation.

Alternatively, rather than return some items early on a partial return, use Off Rentals by Contract to stop the billing on returned items, then return all items when the remaining ones come back.

Auto Generate Customer W.O. from Rental Return or Product Exchange:

There are two methods of generating a blank service Work Order when a non-bulk rental product is returned on a Rental Return or exchanged on Exchange by Contract, Exchanges By Customer, or Confirm Exchange Pickup:

1.When the product Status Code of a non-bulk rental product is updated at the time of rental return or exchange, a Work Order can be generated automatically if service is always required on return or the customer has damaged the unit.

Settings in the Divisional Return Parameters activate the Update Status Code processing for returns and for exchanges per the division on the contract.
 The appropriate Status Codes that should generate W.O.s can then be defined in Status Code Actions By Group.

2.A Work Order can also be generated for non-bulk rental products that belong to a Group that is flagged to generate a W.O. at return or exchange, as outlined in Create Work Orders For Returned Equipment.

Revenue Posting of Return to a Different Store:

When a contract is rental returned to a different division, all the revenue on the contract at the time of return will be allocated to the Division out on the contract.
 Any item added to the return invoice will be allocated to the return Division on the invoice.
 The Division on a contract can be changed on the contract header before return if required, however the Location cannot be changed as the product quantities have already been relieved.

A portion of the revenue can be assigned to the returning division, only if a percent is setup as the Cross Store Check-In% of Rentals for Return Location in the Divisional Return Parameters.
 The G/L account for posting the Cross Store Revenue is assigned in Rental Product Class.

Reversing a Rental Return:

Invoice mistakes can be corrected by reversing adjustments in Miscellaneous Invoices.
 The only purpose of reversing a Rental Return is to put items back out on rent, because they were returned by accident.
 Click the REVERSE button at the bottom left of the Rental Return screen prior to selecting a contract, to initiate a reversal as outlined in Reverse A Rental Return by Invoice.

Primary/Secondary Sales Parts on Returns:

Because Sales parts that are sold in packages are sometimes also sold singly, a secondary related product number can be identified in the "Re-Order Information window" Sales Inventory, to track quantities of this product that are to be sold individually. Providing a secondary product number allows partial sales and partial returns of the primary product, on Invoices, and Rental Returns.

e.g. Saw blades are generally sold in blister packages containing 5 blades.
 Using the Primary Product number for the packages of blades, a quantity of 2 (10 blades) could be put out on a Contract. If the customer used 7 of the 10 blades, the remaining three blades could still be returned to the Secondary Product number for individual blades.
 The actual processing shows quantity 1 of the Primary product sold, and quantity 1 of the Primary product returned to stock. Then quantity 1 of the Primary product is transferred out of stock, and converted to quantity 5 of the Secondary product that is transferred in. Quantity 2 of the Secondary product is then sold.
 This means that the rental return invoice shows a sale of 1 package of blades (Primary product) and a sale of 2 individual blades (Secondary product).

"Days to Bill" Pricing:

At the counter when a contract is entered, the operator can give a one-time price break on the contract by setting the Days to Bill lower than the actual rental period.
 For information on this billing feature refer to the setting in the Company Billing Parameters that controls how this price break is applied over an extended rental period.
 i.e. Whether the Days To Bill entered on a Contract is respected on only short-term contracts versus long-term contracts where the contract is cycle billed before it is returned.

"Monthly Billings" Rates:

Normally when equipment is being billed on the calendar month, the same monthly charge is billed on the interim cycle billings for each of the twelve months regardless of the days in that month.
 i.e. the 29th, 30th and 31st days are not billed in the rate calculation.

However if the equipment is billed by calendar month, and the period between the last expected cycle billing for the contract and the rental return is less than 28 days, then the 29th, 30th and 31st days in that period will be chargeable, as this last period is a partial month.

Accumulated Metered Billing:

Meter units can be billed for Non-bulk metered equipment in the interim Cycle Billing, if the equipment has metered rates and the new meter count has been entered in Edit Cycle Billing Meter Amounts.
 The Rental Return considers these billed units when calculating remaining chargeable units.

Note: The Rental Return will only credit meter amounts billed if the contract is back billed to the original date/time out and a lower meter count is entered.

Reverse A Rental Return by Invoice will re-instate accumulated meter amounts and the window on the amount to credit will allow calculations including the last meter amount billed.

FIFO Returns:

The FIFO return option allows a customer to return a selection of items with the oldest contract dates first.
 This can be useful when a customer is returning a number of pieces of bulk equipment such as scaffolding and he did not have all the related contract numbers.

Click the FIFO RETURN button at the bottom of the Rental Return screen to initiate a rental return for a customer across contracts as outlined in FIFO Rental Return.

If your firm uses the FIFO approach more frequently, the FIFO return processing can be set to be your company default, from the Rental Return Settings of the Company Inventory Parameters.
 If FIFO return is your default, the operator can always revert to the standard Rental Return by clicking on the BY CONTRACT button at the bottom of the FIFO screen.

Note: FIFO rental returns cannot be processed for a customer who has been charged varying Waiver rates, as the percent of rental to charge may not be consistent across the contracts.

Pickup Tickets:

Rental Return products can also be entered by the Pickup ticket.
 The Allow Multiple Pickups To Be Closed at One Time flag in the Divisional Return Parameters, can be set to feed Rental Returns with products being returned on multiple Pickup tickets from a single Contract.
 When activated, the default response to the Return All Items prompt in Rental Returns, is always 'P' for Pickup tickets. A window will then open listing all Closed pickup tickets for that contract. Multiple tickets can be flagged to be billed in that Rental Return on a single invoice.

Note: This feature is triggered by the division of the Invoice being created, which is usually the operator's default division. This is not necessarily the contract division.

If this Rental Return default option is not activated for a division then the default response to the Return All Items prompt in Rental Returns is then determined by the setting in Default Options For Screen.
 It can always be over-typed in the Rental Return as required.
 If a 'P' is manually entered, a single Pickup ticket can still be used to feed the return.

Refer to Delivery/Pickup Sub-System for more information on this Off Rent Ticket feature.

Power Kits:

When a Primary Non-Bulk Rental product is returned on a contract, any Power Kit components accompanying that primary product are NOT billed individually and are deleted from the original contract when it is closed.
 For information on the Power Kit feature refer to Power Kits.

Contract/Rental Return Documents:

Generally, the signed contracts (the originals) are kept at the front counter in an alphabetical file.
 When the customer returns equipment or calls to have it picked up, the counter staff will pull the original contract from the alphabetical file for reference and to attach it to the resulting invoice.

Email Customer Satisfaction Survey:

When the Activate Customer Survey Processing is enabled for a division in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters and a survey is setup in the Customer Survey Configuration, then Contracts can be flagged in document entry to generate a Customer Satisfaction Survey and email it to the eligible Contacts at the time the Contract is closed in Rental Return.

Topic Keyword: RRTUNE