Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Merged File List for Rental Products

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Change/Merge Product Numbers -> Merge Rental Product Numbers -> Merged File List

Files merged by the Merge Rental Product Numbers utility include the following tables.
 Any other asset information or data pertaining to the Obsolete products will be deleted.

APVI - AP invoice details
APVIF - AP invoice freight charges
ATTACH - attachments
CHCD - contract details, history
IHID - invoice details, history
INBM - bill of materials
INDD - internal transfer details
INPO - purchase order details
INRR - manufacturing receiving details
INSH - sales history
INWL - warehouse receiving location distribution
INWR - warehouse receiving details
OEOD - sales order details
POWL - purchase order details by location
RBSD - split billing details
RDID - invoice details, batch
RMAD - return material authorization details
ROTD_D - rent on the dot reservation details
ROTD_Q - rent on the dot reservation details holding file
RSACP - circular pricing details
RSAD - asset depreciation, standard current
RSAH - asset depreciation, standard history
RSARP - products whose status will change on a RR
RSAV - alternate vendor products
RSAVL - alternate vendor reorder by location
RSBB - barcodes
RSBL - serial # list for external branch receipts
RSBN - external branch transfer serial #
RSBP - external branch transfer details
RSBR - external branch receipts
RSBS - list of disposals
RSBT - external branch transfer asset tag details
RSCA - cost adjustments (new ones added for merged tags)
RSCD - contract details, current
RSCP - price codes
RSCR - contract rates
RSCY - cylinder details
RSDA - asset depreciation, alternate current
RSDT - disposal transactions
RSDU - dollar utilization
RSED - lease details
RSER - reservation rates
RSES - equipment specifications
RSEX - exchanges
RSFR - off-rentals
RSHA - asset depreciation, alternate history
RSHXD - all in one transaction details
RSIA - inventory adjustments
RSID - invoice details, current
RSIL - product location file
RSKD - kit details
RSLC - contract consolidation records
RSLD - lease details
RSMH - monthly history
RSMR - missed rentals
RSNS - serial number specs
RSNT - serial number tracking
RSNU - serial numbers
RSOT - operator time charges
RSPD - alternate descriptions
RSPF - product file
RSPL - spare parts
RSPM - sale to rental transfer
RSPN - safety notes
RSPTF - tracking for products deleted off a contract
RSQD - quote details
RSQR - rental quote rates
RSRD - reservation details
RSRF - product rates (obsolete deleted)
RSRI - asset tags
RSRJ - rental journal
RSRQ - requirements
RSRR - re-rent history
RSSF - special rates (obsolete deleted)
RSSFP - special rate discounts (obsolete deleted)
RSSL - suggested sales list
RSSP - special pricing (obsolete deleted)
RSSU - start-up descriptions
RSSWD - in-yard return slip details
RSTD - transfer details
RSTR - inventory transfer audit trail
RSTS - rental to sale transfer
RSTU - time utilization
RSTU_CST - snapshot by product by day of a product's average cost and adjusted first cost (delete obsolete)
           Retained product may not be accurate. Only used in Rental Age Report.
RSTU_SUM - snapshot by product by day of a product's on hand and on rent (delete obsolete)
           Retained may not be accurate. Only used in Rental Age Report.
RSVD - sales quote details
RSWD - counter worksheet details
WEBD - portal contract details
WOEH - estimate make/model
WOEP - estimate parts details
WOHP - work order history parts details
WOMD - maintenance schedule details
WOMK - maintenance schedule kits
WOMS - work order maintenance schedule
WOPK - service kits
WOSR - work order service reminders
WOWH - work order make/model, current
WOWP - work order parts
WRPF - repair form results
WRPH - repair header
WRPI - repair inspection forms
WRPL - repair labour
WRPM - repair maintenance
WRPN - repair notes
WRPO - repair other
WRPP - repair parts

Topic Keyword: RS_MERGE_FILES