Import Replacement Cost
** This utility is under development and is not yet available. **
This utility can be used to update the Replacement Costs for rental equipment, from an external import file.
The import file can be the result of an edited version of the file created in IC-30-19-3 EXPORT REPLACEMENT COST, or it can be built manually using the template called Product Replacement Cost.xls, or can be pulled from another source.
The prompts and requirements to import the file include:
To update product replacement costs in Rental Inventory with values from an external file, enter the name and path of the import file. If no path is specified, the program will look for the file in the pro4data directory.
The file must be "tab-delimited" with a .txt extension and must reside on the server. Avoid spaces in the file name.
An optional template called Product Replacement Costs.xls is distributed with the Client and stored on C:\scsbin\templates that defines the required cost file layout.
Using the template:
•The template in c:\scsbin\templates can be used on a Windows workstation to build the data file manually.
•When complete, the spreadsheet can be saved as Text file (tab delimited) to convert the .xls file to a .txt file.
•Move the .txt file to the server (using FTP for LINUX systems), in preparation for importing using this import program.
Data File requirements:
•The product number must be valid in Rental Inventory .
•The product number must match a rental item. This update does not apply to Sales parts.
•Duplicate product cost records are not allowed.
An Error report is generated listing any product cost records that do not meet the requirements.
Acceptable product cost records, are listed on a paging screen with the product#, description, and new replacement cost.
The Import flag is automatically set to 'Y' (YES) for all matches.
Change the flag to 'N' (NO) for any Replacement Costs that should not be imported.
Note: If the Replacement Cost in the import file is the same as the Replacement Cost already in the product file for an item, the item is ignored in the import process.
Press <F3> to accept the import file and the Import flags.
Type Y (YES) to accept the product cost changes and to print a report listing the products with the new costs and the Y/N import flags.
Type N (NO) to interrupt the import and to return to the paging screen. Import flags can be changed as required.
Type Q (Quit) to abort the import process and to exit the screen. The tab-delimited file can be modified, re-saved, and re-imported as required.
Type Y (YES) if the report printed successfully and is correct.
Type R (Reprint) if the report failed to print correctly or needs to be reprinted. The product cost flags can be changed if required and the report re-printed.
Type N (NO) if the report is not acceptable and should not be used to update the products at all. The file can be re-imported, edited and printed as required.
Type Y (YES) to update the Replacement Product Costs in Rental Inventory of all records with Import flag = 'Y'.
Type / to abort the import process and to exit the screen. The tab-delimited file can be modified, re-saved, and re-imported as required.
Topic Keyword: RSPF109