Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Change Bulk Status

Utilities Menu -> Inventory Control -> Change Bulk Status

This utility only applies to Rental products and can be used to change the Bulk Item flag in Rental Inventory, where:

Bulk Items are equipment with quantity greater than 1 that may or may not have multiple Fixed Asset Tags.

Non-Bulk Items are unique equipment with quantity of 1 and only 1 Tag.

The prompts are:


Select one of the following update options:

Click Bulk to Non-Bulk to change the status of a bulk product to a non-bulk product.
 Only bulk rental products with quantity one and one Fixed Asset Tag can be changed to non-bulk.


This option only applies when the Change Status From option is Bulk to Non-Bulk.

Check this box to include all rental products with only 1 on hand and only 1 fixed asset tag, changing them from bulk status to a non-bulk status.

Uncheck this box to change one product at a time.


This prompt only applies if products are being updated individually.

Enter the product number, or select it from the Inventory Search.
 Only bulk rental items with quantity of 1 and 1 Fixed Asset Tag will be accepted.

If the Make, Model, and Date of Manufacturing fields are required fields for non-bulk rental equipment, as activated by the Mandatory Make/Model/Manufacture Date in the Company Inventory Parameters, and the rental product does not have values for these fields, a warning is triggered and the bulk product cannot be changed to non-bulk until the information is completed in the associated Make/Model and Re-Order Information window.

Note: Bulk items referenced on a Group cannot be changed.

Click Non-Bulk to Bulk to change the status of a non-bulk rental product to a bulk product.


This option only applies when the Change Status From option is Non-Bulk to Bulk.

Enter the non-bulk product number or select it from the Inventory Search.
 Only non-bulk rental items will be accepted.


Check this box to allow multiple fixed asset tags on this item.
 Uncheck this box to allow only one tag on this item that would include all subsequent quantities.

Note: Any Non-Bulk Rental item that has been designated as a Primary product with a Power Kit, or has been assigned as a Component on a Power Kit, cannot be changed to a Bulk product.
 For information on the Power Kit feature refer to Power Kits.


Click ACCEPT to proceed or CANCEL to abort.
 If accepted, the products will be updated with to rental equipment Bulk flags will be updated accordingly.

When changing all Bulk to Non-Bulk, any bulk rental products that could not be changed are listed on an information report, as outlined in Information Log.

 Additional actions provided by buttons on the Transfer Rental to Sale screen include:

Generate Rental to Sale Transfer Report
 Click the BULK REPORT button at the bottom left of the screen to generate a list of bulk rental products, as outlined in Bulk Rental Item List.

Topic Keyword: RSPF11