Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Vendor Catalogue Overview

Inventory Overview Information Guide -> Vendor Catalogues -> Vendor Catalogue Overview

Many Suppliers now make new product lists and price changes available electronically.
 This information may be loaded, and then viewed on your software using the Vendor Catalogues utilities.

Prices can be reviewed and selected product lines may be copied into your own product file and price changes may be updated.
 The price list data file must be obtained on from the individual suppliers and then copied into the data directory.
 It is important that the update price list file is given the correct file name for the corresponding Vendor.

In Vendor Catalogues use:

Vendor Definition File to define the information fields and format according to the supplier's parts file.

Vendor Parts Standard Import to import the parts file into your software.

Vendor Parts Inquiry to view parts with prices on the vendors price list and to add individual rental or sale products from the price list to your company's inventory file.

Update Product File to update List and Re-Order prices for products in your company's inventory file that are also listed on the vendor's price list.

Note: To enable the process to update product prices from the supplier's parts list, the corresponding Vendor Number must be assigned to each eligible product in Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory for a match.

Topic Keyword: VP00