Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Portal Shopping Cart Feature

Portal Overview Information Guide -> Shopping Cart Overview

After the customer has logged into Portal with his Account Number, User Name, and Password, as explained in Customer Administrator and Employee Access, and if the web administrator has included it, the Shopping Cart option will always be listed as the last item on the Web menu displayed in the banner of the Portal website screen.

Sales and Rental products can use Website Categories to organize how the inventory is displayed on the web Portal, providing two to four levels in the product 'Class/Group/Category tree'.

Within the Shopping Cart option click on one of the following browsing selection options:


Rental equipment can only be selected for the Shopping Cart as a Group item.
 The specific equipment number from the Group is identified when the document is converted to a contract.

Groups can be selected by one of the following two methods:

 Enter the first few characters of the Group name to list all Groups flagged in Inventory/Division Settings that begin with these characters and click SEARCH RENTALS.
 The Groups listed can be from any Rental Class.

 Enter a Product Class or select one from the drop-down box provided.
 Only Rental Product Classes flagged in Inventory/Division Settings to be displayed on the Portal website are listed.

All Groups for that class that have been flagged in Inventory/Division Settings to be displayed on the Portal website are displayed.

The Group information displayed on the Portal website includes:

oThe Group description is displayed.

oIf Group rates have been setup in the window in Groups the rates codes that have been identified in Company Default Rates to be included in the Rate Book are displayed, else the message to "Please call for rates" appears.

oSpecial Rates defined at the customer and division level are respected.

oIf Equipment Specifications have been attached to the Group in Groups a link is provided to review any Specification details.
 A URL can even be stored in the "Website Options" window in Groups that can automatically provide a direct Link to a vendor's website to display the product specification information.
 This is a convenient method of keeping your equipment specs current with the vendor's without requiring constant updating of your own company Group information.

oIf Safety Notes have been attached to the Group, a link is provided to review any Safety Notes details saved in Groups.

oA picture representative of the Group can be viewed if an image bitmap has been assigned to the Group in Inventory/Division Settings.

To select a Rental Group for your Shopping Cart enter the desired quantity and click on the button to ADD TO CART.

A Shopping Cart Settings parameter controls whether related Kit and Suggested Sales List items are also added to the Shopping Cart with the recommended quantities at this time.
 Refer to in the Shopping Cart Settings window in Presentation Themes for details on this processing.
 If this feature is not activated, Kits and SSL items can still be added later along with the Services, by the rental store staff when the Portal request is converted to a Reservation or Quotation.

The count of the "Items In The Cart" and the Shopping Cart itself are updated.


Sales merchandise can be selected by one of the following two methods:

 Enter the first few characters of the sales product name to list all sales products flagged in Inventory/Division Settings that begin with these characters and click SEARCH.
 The items listed can be from any Group or Sales Class.

 Enter a Sales Product Class or select one from the drop-down box provided.
 Only Sales Product Classes flagged in Inventory/Division Settings to be displayed on the Portal website are listed.


Narrow the search by selecting a Sales Group associated with this Class from the drop-down box provided.
 Only Sales Groups flagged in Inventory/Division Settings to be displayed on the Portal website are listed.

All sales products for that Group that have been flagged in Inventory/Division Settings to be displayed on the Portal website are displayed.

The Sales product information displayed on the Portal website includes:

oThe Sales product description is displayed.

oIf the Sales item has a list price Sales Inventory the price is displayed.
 If there is no list price then the message to "Please call for price" appears.

oSpecial Prices defined at the customer and division level are respected.

oIf Equipment Specifications have been attached to the part in Sales Inventory a link is provided to review any Specification details.

oIf Safety Notes have been attached to the part in Sales Inventory a link is provided to review any Safety Notes details.

oA picture representative of the part can be viewed if an image bitmap has been assigned to the Group in

To select a Sales part for your Shopping Cart enter the desired quantity and click on the button to ADD TO CART.

A Shopping Cart Settings parameter controls whether related Kit and Suggested Sales List items are also added to the Shopping Cart at this time.
 Refer to in the Shopping Cart Settings window of Presentation Themes for details on this processing.
 If this feature is not activated, Kits and SSL items can still be added later along with the Services, by the rental store staff when the Portal request is converted to a Reservation or Quotation.

The count of the "Items In The Cart" and the Shopping Cart itself are updated.
 If the quantity of a product is changed, the quantity of any linked Kit or SSL items is changed in proportion.
 To remove an item (excluding Kit or SSL items) that is not really wanted, click CART to view the Cart and change the quantity back to zero.


Once the Sales parts and/or Rental Groups have been selected and added to the Shopping Cart, click CART at the top right to review and close it out to an Portal request.
 The Cart screen lists the Sales parts, and the Rental Groups with rates and prices, and quantities.

Product quantities can be changed.
 To remove an item from the cart, change the quantity to zero.
 If any quantity is changed, click on the UPDATE CART button to recalculate the Shopping Cart quantities accordingly before Checking Out.

Product level comments can be added when using the SOAPUI.
 If your firm uses a Portal interface that uses SOAPUI, a 200 maximum character comment can be added to each product in the shopping cart.
 The comment is displayed when reviewing submitted cart requests and is converted to the resulting document.
 The comment is also included in the submit cart confirmation email that is sent to the customer.

To return to the Rentals or Sales selection screens to make additions, click on the Shopping Cart option in the menu.

When the Shopping Cart is complete, click on the CHECK OUT button to create a Portal request.

If optional Kits and SSL items are linked to products on the Shopping Cart, but they have not yet been checked to be submitted or to be excluded from the cart, a window will offer a final choice on these optional items.


The parameter fields display as determined by the web administrator for the Check Out API.
 These could include convert to document type, date/time in and out, site, delivery/pickup requirements, PO#, etc.
 For more information about the setup and configuration of these fields refer to Customize the Portal Website.

Mandatory fields include the customer's email address and telephone number which usually default from Customer Information, but can be over-typed if required.

To return to the Rentals, Sales, or View Cart selection screens to make changes or additions, click on the appropriate heading.

To close the Reservation or Quotation request click on the SUBMIT button.

oThe document Confirmation Number is displayed on the screen.

oAn email is triggered to the customer confirming the Portal confirmation number and the products that have been requested that is sent to the email address displayed on the Check Out screen.
 This defaults from Customer Information but can be over-typed at Check Out.
 Prices for Rentals, Sales and any Delivery and Pickup charges as well as Taxes can be included on the confirmation email to the customer if the Show Price on Confirmation Email flag is set in the Global Portal Settings.
 When prices are being included in the email a second flag to Estimate Delivery/Pickup Charges can be set in the Global Portal Settings if your firm does not calculate charges until the Delivery or Pickup Ticket is actually created.

Note: The charge for the Delivery and Pickup services is based on the Service Default code set in the "Delivery Settings" and in the "Pickup Settings" of Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters for Head Office (blank division), and the dollar amounts set for those Service Default codes in Service Codes.
 If there are no Service Defaults setup for the Head Office (blank division) in Division Delivery/Pickup Parameters then no delivery or pickup charges can be calculated.

oAn email is also generated to the rental store staff to bring their attention to the new reservation or quote request.
 This email is sent to the address designated for that customer in the expanded record in Portal Customers.
 If no specific staff email address is entered for the customer, then the email address for the store division in Presentation Themes is notified.
 If no email address is setup for the division, then the email address for the company in Presentation Themes is notified according to Quote or Reservation document type.

Filling the Customer's Request at your Store:
 The Portal request is reviewed by the staff from your Rental firm using Portal Confirmations and converted to a Reservation or Rental Quotation, Services, Kits and Suggested Sales items can be added at that time as required.
 When the Portal request is converted or deleted, a follow-up email can be generated back to the customer to alert him of the change in the document status with optional comments.
 For details on this process refer to Portal Confirmations.

Topic Keyword: WE0006