Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual
Texada SRM Technical Reference Manual

Portal Pickup Request Feature

Portal Overview Information Guide -> Pickup Request

After the customer has logged into the Portal with his Account Number, User Name, and Password, as explained in Customer Administrator and Employee Access, and if the web administrator has included the Pickup Requests option in the customer's API Theme, then the customer can use this utility to request equipment to be picked up from the site

API Construction by webadmin:

When the webadmin is setting up the menus options for the API Themes as outlined in Customize the Portal Website, he can use the List Contracts API for designing the 'Request Pickup' option by checking the 'Pickup Request' box in the Record Sets when Editing Details of the API.

Process Flow on Portal:

The customer can generate a list of his contracts in summary from the Pickup Request API option.

Then on the resulting Select Contract web page, the customer can trigger a pickup request by clicking on the relevant Contract number in the list.
 This opens the Add To Pickup page for that contract.

The Add To Pickup page displays the product numbers, descriptions, quantity on rent, quantity pending pickup, quantity confirmed to be picked up, and the balance.
 The customer can enter the Pickup Qty for each product on this request.
 Click ADD TO PICKUP to accept the quantity or BACK to return to the Contract list.

Note: 'Pending' pickups are pickup requests that have been submitted previously but have not yet been acted on by the rental store.
 'Confirmed' pickups include any products that have been included on a Pickup Ticket generated in Create Pickup Tickets.

After clicking ADD TO PICKUP a review of the item details to be picked up is displayed, with the options to change and UPDATE QTY or to continue by clicking REQUESTER INFO.

The Provide Requester Info page must be completed before submitting the request.
 The mandatory information to be completed includes name, phone, email address and date.
 An optional note can be added to each contract as required.
 Click SUBMIT when completed, or BACK to return to the Add To Pickup page.

A summary of the pickup request including contract#, site contact, pickup date, pickup time. request# is displayed.
 An email is sent to the customer with the Confirmation# for the pickup request, for reference.

Rental Store Pickup Request Follow-Up:

Rental store staff can monitor pickup requests generated from the Portal in Process Pending Pickup Requests as no email is sent to the store staff to alert them of a request.

Pickup Requests in the queue in Process Pickup Request Details show as 'Pending' on the Portal inquiry.
 When a Pickup Request is deleted from the list in Process Pickup Request Details, the product quantity reverts to the outstanding 'Balance' until a Pickup Ticket is created in Create Pickup Tickets.
 After the Pickup Ticket is created, the product quantity shows a 'Submitted'.

Topic Keyword: WE0006