This Delivery Ticket window is only triggered if the delivery services are to be charged by the ticket, rather than once for the whole contract, as defined in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters.
The following prompts appear:
Uncheck this box if the items are not actually being delivered and no charge for delivery should be made on this ticket.
A Charge by Delivery comment prints on the ticket stating
whether the items are to be delivered or not.
For standard documents and Crystal Forms the wording of the text
can be customized for two languages in the Document Field Labels table.
For Jasper Forms refer to Jasper Appearance and Formatting
window of Customer Forms for the
language and label controls.
Uncheck this box if an 'External Transport' service is not being used for this ticket.
Note: This checkbox defaults to being checked if the document division is setup to use an 'External Transport' in the Transport Supplier Information window, and defaults to blank if the division does not use an 'External Transport'. The checkbox can be changed as required.
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