- Window to access the check list as outlined in Name Check List.
Any entries made into the Name Check List for this customer, will
appear in a selection list during document entry at the counter,
providing the ability to confirm that these people have been
authorized by this company to rent.
If a name from this list is selected on a Contract, or
Worksheet, a comment line prints on the document PICKUP BY:
..name.., and on a Reservation or Quote as "REQUESTED
BY: name".
For standard documents and Crystal Forms this verbiage can be
customized for two languages in the Document
Field Labels table.
For Jasper documents refer to Jasper Appearance and
Formatting window of Customer Forms
for the language and label controls.
FOB ID's can also be assigned to records in the Name Check List
that can then be entered or scanned in the rental document entry
screen to identify the customer number for the document, or can be
used to select a customer in the Document
Customer Search and Accounting Customer
Search windows.
- Window to access the list of Driver's licenses for this
customer as outlined in Driver's License
A license can also be captured if the customer was added
Note: The feature to prompt for the Driver's license information
to be entered either manually or using a scanner for Cash
Customers, can be activated in the Divisional
Contract Parameters.
For information on driver's licenses scanning options, refer to
Driver's License Scanners.
- Window to view any credit card information for the customer as
outlined in Customer Credit Cards.
- Some firms require their customers to either take the Damage
Waiver, or provide information on their insurance coverage to
ensure that equipment and staff using the equipment will be covered
against damage or loss.
Window to access the Insurance
A flag in the Company Security Parameters
can be set to display the customer's insurance information on the
screen when entering Counter Worksheet,
Contracts, Reservations, Quotations,
Convert Reservation To Contract, and
Convert Quotations To Contracts.
- Enter the customer's date of birth.
- Check this field to always print the documents such as
Contract, Invoice, Quotation or Reservation for this customer, in
an alternate language.
The alternate language processing can be activated from the
Company Miscellaneous Parameters.
Uncheck this box to always print these documents in the standard
language for this customer.
The standard language verbiage can also be customized in Document Field Labels and in the Jasper labels
- Uncheck this box if the auto bank deposit information is not
relevant to this customer.
Check this box to indicate that this customer uses an auto bank
deposit utility.
These are information fields only.
Click the
icon to access the following bank
deposit information:
- BANK #
- Enter the bank number for the automatic deposit.
- Enter the bank branch for the automatic deposit.
- Enter the account number, or select it from the window,
searching by account number or account description.
- Finished?
- Click OK to accept and close the window.
- This is an information field only. Select one of:
- Select Internal to indicate that this is an Internal
customer or employee.
- Select External to indicate that this is an External
- Select Does Not Apply if this is not relevant to this
Delivery/ Pickup Settings:
A Rewards Program can not be assigned to a
customer if the customer has already been assigned any rental or
sale discount percents, trade discount percents, special pricing,
special rates codes, tiered prices or rates, loyalty plan or
delivery/pickup billing code.
These fields are disabled if a customer has already been assigned a
Rewards Code in the Customer Codes
- When entering reservations, rental quotations, or contracts,
the prompt for DELIVERYis triggered with the default code.
Enter the default delivery Service Code for this customer when
delivery is used, or select from the service code from the Service Search window.
If no service code is entered for the customer, the default service
code for the document division assigned in the Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters will
- When entering reservations, rental quotations, or contracts,
the prompt for PICKUP is triggered with the default code.
Enter the default pickup Service Code for this customer when
pickup is used, or select from the service code from the Service Search window.
If no service code is selected, the division default in the
Divisional Delivery/Pickup Parameters will
- The Delivery/Pickup Code can be used to assign special
Delivery/Pickup rates to charge, for this customer.
This field can be left blank to use standard Delivery/Pickup
rates or to use the Group Delivery/Pickup Rates, or select a
Delivery/Pickup Code from the drop-down list, as setup in
the Delivery and Pickup Pricing Codes.
Click on the
icon to view the rates defined
for this Delivery/Pickup code, as outlined in Delivery and Pickup Charges.
Note: When Delivery/Pickup Codes are assigned to a
customer, the Group Delivery/Pickup Rates processing by
Groups is disabled.
- This option is disable if a Delivery/Pickup Code has
been assigned to the customer.
Service charges for Delivery/Pickup can be determined by
Equipment Groups.
This field provides the ability to flag specific customer
exceptions and to enter special rates that over-ride the Group
charges, as defined in the Group
Delivery/Pickup Rates window.
- This print setting only applies if the Enhanced Off Rental
processing has been activated in the Support
Application Parameters, where a default print flag for Off
Rental information on the invoice can be set for the company.
This company default is over-ridden for a specific customer
according to the following print flag.
Select one of the following for the default:
- Select Yes if the complete Off Rental information should
be printed on the invoice for this customer.
- Select No if the Off Rentals should NOT print on the
invoice for this customer.
- Select Company to default to the flag in the Support Application Parameters.
- A default value for this print option can be set in the
Company Invoice Parameters and this company
default can be over-ridden for a specific customer according to the
following print flag:
Select one of the following for this customer:
- Select Yes if the Safety Notes
should always be printed on the associated Invoice detail lines for
this customer.
- Select No if the Safety Notes
should NOT print on the Invoices for this customer.
- Select Company to default to the flag set in the
Company Invoice Parameters.
- This flag defaults to any new sites setup for this customer in
Customer Site Information but can be
over-typed on the site record as required.
Select one of the following for the default:
- Select Yes to activate the lien notice feature on sites
for this customer.
- Select No to default the lien flag on sites for this
customer to no.
- Select Does Not Apply if the lien information is not
relevant for sites for this customer.
- This parameter only applies if the Cylinder Billing feature is
activated in the Company Rate Parameters.
Enter the maximum yearly number of containers allowed for
cylinder billing for this customer if applicable.
A warning will be triggered in Cylinder
Entry for the customer if the count is exceeded.
It is display only and will not actually restrict the number of
cylinders leased during the year.
- Check this box to permit invoices for this customer to be
exported to a text file using the utility Export Customer Invoices To Text File.
Uncheck this box if this customer's invoices should not be exported
to a text file.
- Billing parameters unique to this customer can be defined in
the Billing Settings window.
- This field can be used to capture additional identification
information for the customer such as a driver's licenses or other
When ID information is entered on a document, it automatically
updates this field, unless this is the blank customer number or is
configured as a clone customer in the Divisional
Contract Parameters.
The ID field can be set as a mandatory field on
documents, in the Divisional Miscellaneous
The ID prints on the invoice when flagged in the Divisional Invoice Parameters
Note: The ID field should be unique (though this is not
forced) for each customer, as it is one of the fields that is
checked when identifying customers with a risk status, in Bad Risk Customers.
- This is similar to the ID field and is useful for
storing further identification on the customer.
When Reference information is entered on a document, it
automatically updates this field, unless this is the blank customer
number or is configured as a clone customer in the Divisional Contract Parameters.
The Reference field can be set as a mandatory field on
documents, in the Divisional Miscellaneous
The Reference prints on the invoice when flagged in the
Divisional Invoice Parameters
This field also should be unique (though again not forced to be
unique) for each customer, as it is one of the fields that is
checked when identifying customers with a risk status, in Bad Risk Customers.
Use the Comments field for other useful information, such
as expiry dates, etc.
- Enter the "Value Added Tax" number if relevant for this
- Enter the optional Government ID for your firm.
Generally these are unique codes, so a warning is generated if a
duplicate code is entered, however duplicates are allowed. Any
customers having the same Government ID are displayed in the
Government ID Search window.
The Government ID can be used to search for customers in
the Accounting Customer Search
- When the currency is defined for an Australian company in the
Company Information this prompt becomes
the "Australian Business Number" (ABN) field instead of the
Government ID.
The ABN is displayed in the Contract Detail
Additional Options window and is printed on the Contract Report spreadsheet when the PPSR details
are included.
The ABN is mandatory by Australian law and not having the ABN
recorded can result in PPSR registration being void.
- Enter the optional Australian Company Number (ACN) if relevant
for this customer with a maximum of 60 characters.
The ACN is displayed in the Contract Detail
Additional Options window and is printed on the Contract Report spreadsheet when the PPSR details
are included.
The ACN is mandatory by Australian law and not having the ACN
recorded can result in PPSR registration being void.
- The Customer Satisfaction Survey can be setup by Division in
the Customer Survey Configuration window of
the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters.
Check this box to default the "Email Survey" flag on the
Contract and Worksheet header to YES in the Document Additional
Information window, that will cause the Satisfaction
Survey email to be triggered Rental
Also by checking this Send Survey box for the customer, any
new contacts added for this customer in the Contact Information window will be checked to
receive the Survey Email.
Uncheck this box if the default on documents should be NO to
send the survey, if new Contacts for this customer should not be
automatically flagged to receive the Satisfaction Survey email.
This email default can always be changed manually in document
entry in the Document Additional Information window, and in
the Contact Information window, or can be
cancelled when the Compose Email pop-up is
generated in Rental Return.
- This option controls whether defining a Site on each document
for this customer is mandatory information.
Select one of the following:
- Select Yes if all documents for this customer require a
Customer Site to be assigned.
This required field applies only to documents and does not apply to
Customer Information, Customer Site Information, or Point Of Sale Invoices.
Select No if sites are optional on any documents for this
Select Respect Company to cause sites to be mandatory or
optional on documents for this customer depending on the company
wide "Document Site Number Must Be Valid" flag set in the
Company Contract Parameters.
This is the default setting.
- Click OK to accept the information and close this window.