Cash Drawers

System Maintenance Menu -> Configure System Settings -> System Tab -> Printer Setup/Device -> Cash Drawers

This Cash Drawer table can be used to setup the descriptions of the cash drawers your firm uses and to define the system command to be executed to open the drawer when cash is to be taken or paid.
An operator must be assigned a Security Role that allows permission to the Cash Drawers in order to access this table.

To use this feature your Cash Drawers must have the ability to recognize and to open on a command from the Server.
Your Cash Drawer supplier can provide the Drawer Codes to trigger each different drawer.
e.g. IP Address

Operators that use the Cash Drawer must be flagged in Operators where a specific drawer can be defined.
If no drawer is setup for the operator, and the drawer is being triggered from a document then the drawer associated with the document division in the Divisional Miscellaneous Parameters opens.
If the drawer is being opened without association with a document, it is the default drawer for the operator division that opens.
If there is no specific drawer for the operator and no division default, then no drawer is triggered.

Cash Drawer setup:
Only SCS is allowed to enter cash drawer codes.
A warning message is triggered for non-SCS operators and they may delete or add drawer 'Names' but to ensure system functionality non-SCS operators are not allowed to change the Drawer Code.

The Cash Drawer is accessible in the following:

Additional actions provided by buttons on the Cash Drawers screen include:

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