Customer Site Superintendents

Accounts Receivable Menu -> Customer Site Information -> Superintendents window -> Customer Site Superintendents

This Customer Site Superintendents table is only available when the Telematics processing has been activated in the Software Integration, and can be used to record the equipment superintendents for this site with email addresses, with the notification level to apply and with the relevant tag alerts.
This is the list of email recipients for alarm notifications for this site.

Superintendents added in this window for a Customer Site are automatically also added to the Customer Superintendents table.
Superintendents added to a document for this site in the Document Superintendent Notification Levels window, are automatically added to this Site Superintendents table as well as the Customer Superintendents table.

Site Superintendents are not save on a Global Site, however a supervisor can still be assigned on a document for a Global Site in the Document Superintendent Notification Levels window, which is then saved at the customer superintendent level but not at the site superintendent level.

The fields include:

Enter the name of the new site superintendent or select an existing one from the Superintendent Search window.

Accept the default address if an existing superintendent was select or enter the address to which the alerts for this superintendent should be sent.
Emails sent for DPL alerts are logged in the View Email Log and DPL emails and errors can be traced in the DPL Utilities utilities.

Accept the default notification level or select one from the Notification Code Search window.

Accept the default Notification Times or complete the alert times in the Tag Alert Notification Times window.

Click ACCEPT to accept all the superintendent records for this site, or CANCEL to abort.

Note: If changes are made to the email address or the tag information, any open documents for this superintendent also need to be changed by searching for Contracts, Reservations or Saved Worksheets for this Site and manually updating the information.

Topic Keyword: DPLSS1 (5082)
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