Discount Authorization

Counter Menu -> HEADER or DETAILS of Counter Worksheet / Contract / Reservation / Quote / Invoice / Rental Return / Cycle Billing -> Discount% over-ride -> >Discount Authorization

A Maximum Discount% can be defined by operator Security Role Permission in the Role Parameters window to apply when Sales and/or Rentals discounts are over-ridden on the document header or product detail line of a rental document, a counter invoice, cycle billing, or rental return.
Only operators assigned a security role with high enough discount percent have permission to complete the over-ride.
If the Maximum Discount% for the role is blank, then there is no limit for operators in that role.

Initially the document defaults to the customer/site/special rate discounts on the header and on the individual product details regardless of the operator role defined maximums.
The role Maximum Discount% is only checked if the operator attempts to over-ride the header or product detail discount.
If the operator does not have a high enough maximum to increase the discount, then the Discount Exceeds your Allowable Limit warning is triggered with the option to ignore the over-ride or get approval from another operator with a higher or no over-ride limit.

Topic Keyword: ROLEDISC (6512)
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