TW - Work Orders Details

Texada Web Stand-Alone Menu -> TW - Work Orders -> TW - Work Order Details

After the Work Order header information is completed the Labor, Parts, and Service details of a Texada Web Work Order can be maintained as follows and the W.O. can be printed, or closed and converted to an Invoice.

Window to enter and update Labor details on this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Labor.

Window to enter and update Parts used on this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Parts.

Window to enter and update any Service charges for this Work Order, as outlined in Work Order Services.

The Tax window displays the distribution of the taxes. This is information only.
If these taxes are not correct change the tax status on each labor/parts/services detail on the Work Order.

The Work Order totals for each of the labor, parts, services, and taxes windows, display with the current Work Order Total.

Notes related to this Work Order can be entered to describe the job completed in addition to the Labor description or standard comments as setup in Marketing Codes can be selected, as outlined Document Comments.

Comments associated with the Site Information can be included on the Work Order and resulting W.O. Invoice, if the Add Site Comments To Work Orders flag is set for the document division in the Divisional Work Order Parameters.
The comments will be given a blank Maintenance Code.

Note: Site Comments will need to be removed manually if the site on the W.O. is changed. W.O. Comment lines can also be added and modified from the external Texada Web app.

Additional Actions include:

Topic Keyword: FWOWH01B (6632)
Converted from CHM to HTML with chm2web Pro 2.85 (unicode)