Bad Debts
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Bad Debt
Write-Offs -> Bad Debts
When it is decided that an overdue account cannot be collected
through regular collection methods (i.e. letter writing and phone
calls), the overdue invoices can be submitted to a collection
agency or legal firm to collect on your behalf for a fee. At this
time, the invoices should be written off and expensed on the books
as a bad debt.
These invoices can be tracked through the Bad Debts and
Collections programs, and if a recovery of a bad debt should occur,
any money received can be recorded. By writing off the account at
this time, the account will cease to appear on your Aged Accounts
Receivable Reports.
- G/L Posting Accounts for Bad Debts:
- The Bad Debts and Collections programs automatically select
specified General Ledger Accounts to record their entries, as
assigned in G/L Default Accounts by
The required G/L Accounts in this table include:
Accounts Receivable
Finance Charges
Exchange Accrual
Bad Debts Expense
Bad Debt Recoveries
Collection Expense
Legal Fees Expense
GST Paid On Purchases (in the U.S. use Suspense Account)
If desired, separate G/L Accounts can be assigned to each of the
Bad Debts default accounts, or the same G/L Account can be used
(i.e. assign Bad Debts expense account to Bad Debts Expense,
Recovery, Collection and Legal Fees default accounts).
Bad Debt Preparation:
- Before writing off a customer, print the customer's account
from Customer Account Inquiry or the
Customer Statement to identify the outstanding invoices and finance
From this listing, print out a copy of each outstanding invoice.
Then determine the total amounts for taxes, finance charges and net
bad debt amount.
This information is required to determine the amount to write
The prompts to enter a Bad Debt include:
- Enter the bad debt customer number or look it up in the
Accounting Customer Search window.
- In Add mode for a new record, accept today's date or enter a
date for the bad debt entry.
This date will become the date the bad debt is expensed to the
General Ledger and becomes effective on the customer's account.
Multiple write-off records can be written per customer per day if
required for different currencies or taxing purposes.
Existing Write-Off Search:
In Change mode a window is provide on this field to view and select
from existing Bad Debt Records for this customer displaying the
date, Write-Off Invoice # and the amount.
Note: Any changes made to Bad Debt records that are already posted
will not be saved.
- Accept the invoice number W/OFF, or type in the desired
invoice number to assign to the write-off.
Some firms write off the entire customer account at once, in
which case the invoice W/OFF will suffice.
Other firms prefer to write off each invoice separately on the
customer's account so a specific number can be entered.
Check with your company policy on this matter.
- Enter the division or selected it from the drop-down list.
When the Divisional Posting feature is not activated, the Bad Debt
Credit to the A/R Control Account always posts to blank Head Office
and the Bad Debt distribution Debit transactions post to the
selected Division.
Division Posting in the General Ledger:
The Activate G/L Posting By Division feature can be
activated in the Support Application
Parameters, so that the posted Bad Debt transactions
reflect the corresponding invoice divisions in the G/L.
- Process Flow for Posting by Division:
When this feature is activated, the value in the Division
field can be ALL or a specific division, which filters the list of
the customer's eligible outstanding invoices in the resulting
selection window.
The aging values in this selection window reflect the entire
customer account.
Multiple invoices can be selected for the write-off and when the
window is closed, the outstanding total amount for those invoices
becomes the Gross Write-Off Amount on the Bad Debt record
and cannot be changed.
The Division cannot be changed in Change mode, so if a
correction is required delete the Bad Debt record and re-enter
Posting by Division:
When multiple invoices are written-off as part of the same Bad
Debt transaction, one write-off invoice is created per
The write-off invoice number in the Customer
Account Inquiry is prefaced by the corresponding division.
The posted Gross Amount for the Bad Debt will be the accumulated
outstanding invoice total for each division.
Taxes, Finance Charges, Net Amount, Amt Collected, and Collection
Costs will be totalled proportionally by division based on the
source invoice amount.
Any rounding values will post to blank division.
Note: When a Bad Debt is comprised of invoices from multiple
divisions, the Divisional breakdown does not show on the Bad Debts
posting report, but can be reviewed in the G/L postings in G/L Inquiry by Transaction #.
- Leave this field blank for the Unassigned Batch, or type in a
Batch Code, or select a Batch from the drop-down list as setup in
A/R Invoice Batch Codes.
Note: By using separate batches, Invoice entry and posting is
NOT locked for other batch codes.
- Enter the currency code or select it in the window.
The currency should match the invoice or finance charge currency
that is being written off, however this is not validated.
Separate write-off transactions need to be done for separate
currency codes.
Currency Exchange:
If the currency assigned here has a currency exchange rate in
Currency Codes, and the exchange posting
processing has been activated from Support
Application Parameters, G/L posting transactions will be
generated for the amount of the exchange on only the finance
charges and the bad debts portions of the write off.
The currency Exchange account is credited and the Finance Charge or
Bad debts account is debited as defined in the G/L Default Accounts.
- If the Divisional Posting feature has not been activated the
customer's current account balance will appear on the screen.
Accept this value to write-off the entire account, or type in the
total amount (including taxes and finance charges) to be written
Enter the amount as positive.
If the Divisional Posting feature has been activated in the
Support Application Parameters this dollar
amount reflects the outstanding total of the invoices selected to
write-off, and cannot be modified.
- This can be used to generate a tax write-off posting.
- Standard Taxes:
The tax code for Tax 1 defaults from
Customer Information and if the operator
has role permission, the tax code can be over-typed for this
invoice as required.
A drop-down list is provided to view and select from valid tax
If your firm uses the Tax Activity
Report to calculate BAS (Business Activity Statement) the
standard Taxes written-off and collected in the Bad Debts and Collections
are always included in the Tax Activity
Enhanced Taxing:
Select a tax code from the drop-down
Operator role permission to change the Tax Code is not
respected on this field with Enhanced taxing as there is no default
displayed for the customer.
- Accept the tax portion calculated using the tax percent, that
was not collected from the customer and is now to be written-off.
This can be over-typed as required.
This amount will be debited against the GL account for this tax
code. defined in Tax Codes.
- This can be used to generate a second Tax write-off posting
using the same rules outlined above.
If required enter a Tax code for the write-off or select one from
the drop-down box.
- Accept the tax portion calculated using the tax percent, that
was not collected from the customer and is now to be written-off.
This can be over-typed as required.
This amount will be debited against the GL account for this tax
- Enter the amount of finance charges which was applied against
the customer's account, but not collected.
Enter the amount as positive.
- The taxes and finance charges are subtracted from the Gross
Write-Off Amount to equal the Net Write-off Amount.
The amount displayed will be the actual amount posted to Bad Debt
expense as defined in the G/L Default
- Accept the customer's current credit rating or update it by
selecting a new rating from the drop-down list.
The new credit rating will be saved in the Customer Information and if the Credit
Rating is changed for a Parent customer then all the associated
Child customer records will also be updated.
- Window to view and maintain a list of invoices for this
customer that should be excluded from the commission reports as
outlined in Invoices to Exclude from
Commission Reports.
This list can be modified as required.
- If applicable, enter the name of the Collection Agency or
Attorney to which this bad debt was turned over for collection.
This appears on the Bad Debts Report.
- Enter the date when this account was given to the Collection
Agency or Attorney for collection.
This appears on the Bad Debts Report.
- Any amounts already collected for this write-off are displayed
for information only purposes.
- Any costs charged on amounts already collected for this
write-off are displayed for information only purposes.
- If applicable, enter the Standard Industry Code (SIC)
which applies to this customer using up to three characters.
This appears on the Bad Debt Report.
The Standard Industry Code is a code given to a sector of
business by the Collection Companies.
It allows the Collection Agencies to make comparisons between
similar businesses, in terms of bad debts and collection
This coding is commonly used in the United States.
- Type in any notes related to collecting this account. Multiple
lines of notes can be entered.
These notes will appear on the Bad Debts
- Click the ACCEPT button at the bottom of the screen to accept
the Bad Debts record or click CANCEL to abort.
- By identifying a customer in the Bad Account file, the
program will watch out for the customer when new accounts are
opened in Customer Information.
This helps prevent a bad account from defaulting under one name and
then changing the company name and trying to register again.
The Bad Account Listing program checks
include a match on customer name, address, telephone number, and
the principal names.
Click NO if a Bad Account transaction is not required.
Click YES to generate a Bad Account record to the Bad Account Listing file.
Bad Debt Example:
Ace Contracting owes $673.30 and is
a Bad Debt. Follow these steps:
Posting the Bad Debt Transaction:
Posting the Bad
Debt using Posts Bad Debts results in a
credit invoice appearing on the customer's account, which causes
the customer's account balance to be zero.
Clearing the Customer Account:
To clear the customer's account, apply the credit invoice W/OFF
against the other invoices and finance charges, or use the Clear Unapplied Balances to automatically
cross-apply the credits to clear the account.
The Clear Unapplied Balances action is
disabled if the Reward Dollars feature has been activated,
and the W/OFF credit invoice must then be applied manually using a
"zero-dollar" payment in Customer Payments
to clear the original invoices.
Any Pending Reward Dollars earned by written-off invoices
will automatically be expired when they are paid by the W/OFF
credit invoice.
Note: The security by division feature as determined by Divisional Restricted Views does NOT apply
to the Bad Debts and Collections utilities, but it does apply to
the Bad Account Listing programs.
i.e. An Operator can only add a customer for which he has
divisional access, to the Bad Account List.
Additional actions provided by buttons on
the Bad Debts screen include:
- Print a Bad Debts Report:
Click the
REPORT button to generate a list of bad debts records
by date as outlined in Bad Debts
Topic Keyword: ARBD01