Bad Debts Report
Accounts Receivable Menu -> Bad Debt Write-Offs ->
Bad Debts -> REPORT
button -> Bad Debts Report
This report can be printed regularly to list the Bad Debts which
occurred that month.
It lists the customer numbers in the selection period with the
customer name, current address information, write-off amount,
write-off date, division, SIC, collection information and date
turned in.
Additional information exported in the spreadsheet output format
include the date the account was opened from the customer's
Credit Rating Information, the current
customer's Salesman code, Salesman name, and revenue totals for
Rentals, Sales, and Service for the last 13 month period, as
tracked in the LTD Revenue
Sales/Rental/Services for each customer.
Note: The customer address and sales
The prompts are:
- Accept the fiscal year start, or enter a preferred starting
e.g. the beginning of the previous month
- Accept today's date for the end of the report or enter a
preferred cut-off date.
- Select one of the following status filters:
- Select Posted to print only Bad Debts which have been
posted to the G/L and the A/R sub-ledger.
- Select Unposted to print only current Bad Debts which
have been written off but not posted yet.
This is useful for generating a listing for the accountant's
approval at year end, prior to before posting.
- Select Both to include all bad debts (posted &
unposted) written off in the selected date range.
- This value defaults to the operator preference as defined in
Select one of the output options to Print a report or export
the data to Excel as outlined in Report Options.
- Click the ACCEPT button to generate the report, or CANCEL to
Topic Keyword: ARBD10