Statement Layouts
System Maintenance Menu -> Configure
System Settings -> Accounting Tab -> General
Ledger -> Statement Layouts
This powerful program allows creation and customization of the
layouts for financial statements and business reports such as:
Layouts can be maintained in the Statement Layout window in the
"General Ledger" parameters on the Accounting tab of the
Configure System Settings.
An operator must be assigned a Security
Role that allows permission to the Accounting - Statement
Layouts in order to access this table.
Create and Modify Statement Layouts:
In this section,
the examples and explanations are designed to help customize the
Balance Sheet and Income Statement, and setup other financial
reports such as the Cash Position Report.
To create a new layout manually select STATEMENT LAYOUT and
click the ADD button.
To access and modify an existing layout click the CHANGE
The prompts are:
- Type in the layout code to represent this layout.
Examples could be:
B Balance Sheet
I Income Statement
P Cash Position Report
S Shareholder's Report
C Cash Flow
In Change mode, select the existing code from the drop-down list
- Type in a title for this layout, Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, etc.
The layout description will print on the financial document as the
report title.
- Select the type of report:
- Click Balance Sheet where only Assets and Liabilities
will be allowed on the layout.
- Click Income Statement where only Revenues and Expenses
will be allowed on the layout.
- Click Other where all accounts are allowed on the
All Business Reports must be type Other.
- Click Cash Flow where all accounts are allowed on the
layout but a “C” can be entered in the “+/-” column where the “C”
calculates a cumulative total of the Liability and Revenue amounts
rather than subtracting them as is done in the other layouts.
- Click DETAILS to access the paging screen listing
the General Ledger accounts with the format requirements for this
The data fields include:
- SEQ #
- This is the order in which the accounts will print on the
- In Add mode, select one of six types of entries:
- Account number: Enter a General Ledger Account number,
or select it from the window as outlined in G/L Account Search.
LIT: Literal means print the exact text entered such as a
SL: Single line prints an underline in the numbers
DL: Double line prints a double underline in the numbers
SUB: Subtotal indicates where a sub-total should be
When ACCOUNT NUMBER = SUB a subtotal is printed for the subtotal
level that was specified for the SUB.
That level and all lower levels are then set to zero. This allows
the next subtotal at the same level and all lower levels to begin
with a zero total.
For example: With a subtotal level of 5, the subtotal amount of
level 5 is printed, and that level and all levels with a lesser
number are set to zero.
With a subtotal level of 1, the amount of level 1 is printed, and
then that level is set to ZERO.
Copy/Paste feature:
In Change Mode, the copy/paste feature can be used to copy a series
of layout detail transactions to a "clipboard" and then to paste
the copies of those records to a selected position within the same
or another layout.
- C - Copy
- To identify the account details to be copied, type C in
the Account field of any record.
A "Copy Lines" window opens. Enter the sequence number of the
starting and ending lines to be copied. If both fields in this
window are left zero, all sequence numbers in the layout will be
Click ACCEPT to accept the selection range and exit the
P - Paste
- To paste the detail lines last saved on the "clipboard", type
P in the Account field of any record.
A "Paste Lines" window opens. Enter the sequence number above which
the duplicated lines should be pasted. If the paste field in this
window is left zero, the copied lines will be added to the end of
the layout.
Click ACCEPT to accept the paste position and exit the window.
Copied information can be pasted within the same layout, or can
be saved on the "clipboard" from one layout and pasted to a
different layout. However the "clipboard" details are reset and no
longer saved when the operator exits the screen and returns back to
the G/L menu.
- This column only applies to layouts that are type Other.
It is skipped for Balance Sheet or Income Statement type
Suppress flag can be entered in this column to indicate when a zero
value Sub Total should NOT be printed.
Check this box to suppress the Sub Total if the sum is equal to
zero. This is usually used when previous accounts are set to
Accumulate rather than Print.
Uncheck this box if the Sub Total should always print, even if the
sum is zero.
- This column only applies to layouts that are type
This field defaults to ALL for layout types Balance Sheet
and Income Statement. This cannot be changed.
This Division column provides the ability to print accounts by
Division Detail, meaning G/L Accounts can be listed on the
layout multiple times to reflect different Divisions and with
different account descriptions.
For layouts assigned type Other:
- Type ALL to include all divisions, in this account detail.
- To include account postings for only a single division, leave
the field blank for the Head Office Division, or enter a specific
division code, or select one from the drop-down list provided.
- Type SEL to select a range of divisions to include in the
account total, as outlined in Selected
- There are five types of descriptions, according to the value
entered in the Account field.
- Account description will display if Account number was
chosen. This can be over-typed as required.
(i.e. to reflect the Division Detail selected for the account in
Type O layouts)
- If LIT was selected, the description initially appears
on the screen as blank.
Type in the text for this title or heading that should be printed
on the report. e.g. CASH POSITION REPORT
- "Single Line" will display if SL was selected.
A single line will be printed in the amount column. This is usually
used above a subtotal.
- "Double Line" will display if DL was selected.
A double line will be printed in the amount column. This is usually
used below a total.
- If SUB was selected, the description will be blank.
Type in the description for this sub-total that should print on the
- SUB is the sub-total level for each account. This is a level
from 1 to 9. The highest possible subtotal level is 9.
When SUB has also been selected in the ACCT# field above, this
field indicates that the G/L Accounts selected should be
sub-totalled now.
Each G/L Account adds to one of the nine subtotal levels specified
In simple Financial Statements, the subtotal level specified for a
G/L account is usually 1, i.e. add to level 1 and to all higher
P/A - Print/Accumulate
- This column applies to Account Numbers and Sub totals only.
Enter P to print the account and amount on the report, as
well as add to the subtotal.
Enter A to accumulate an amount for an account only (add
to the subtotal) but NOT print the account and amount on the
Accumulating accounts together is useful to print only the subtotal
amount creating a summarized format.
- This field determines the spacing on the printed report and the
lines to skip after printing the last item. Typical choices
1 - Single Space
2 - Double Space
3 - Triple Space
P - Print On Next Page (this item prints on the next
- This applies only when SUB is used. It controls the parentheses
(brackets) on the sub-totals.
e.g. With an ASSET subtotal, the total normally has a debit
(positive) balance. When it has a credit (negative) balance, it
requires brackets to represent the loss.
- The Ratio feature is only utilized on the Income Statement.
This flag identifies when an account should or should not be
included in the ratio calculation, providing the ability to put
revenue accounts in the expense section, or expense accounts in the
revenue section, and still have the total revenue ratio equal 100%.
In the Revenue Section:
- Check the Ratio box if the account should be included in the
ratio calculation.
- Uncheck the Ratio flag if the account total should be excluded
from the ratio calculation.
In the Expense Section:
- Uncheck the Ratio box if the account should be included in the
ratio calculation.
- Check the Ratio flag if the account total should be excluded
from the ratio calculation.
Additional actions provided by buttons on
the Statement Layouts screen include:
- Create Generic Financial Statements:
General Balance
Sheet and Income Statement layouts can be created automatically to
include all existing G/L accounts in the appropriate sections of
the financial statements.
To generate these layouts, click the BUILD button at
the bottom of the screen, and in the "Build Statement Layout"
selection pop-up, click on "Generate Statement Layouts", as
outlined in Generate Statement
Copy an Existing Statement:
Often it is useful to
have more than one layout for the same thing.
e.g. a detailed Income Statement and a summarized Income
Once a layout has been created, a copy can be made that can then be
customized to suit your business needs.
To create a copy of an existing layout, click the
BUILD button at the bottom of the screen, and in the
"Build Statement Layout" selection pop-up, click on "Copy Statement
Layouts", as outlined in Copy Statement
Delete a Layout:
When a Statement Layout is no longer required, use the
DELETE button or press <F7> to delete all the
detail layout records first.
Then delete the Layout Code.
Print a Layout:
Click the PRINT button to output a layout listing as
outlined in Print Statement Layouts.
Topic Keyword: GLSL01